Monday, October 21, 2019

We Must Fight essays

We Must Fight essays The 2004 election had an incredible turn out in regards in voters and minority voters. Majority of the new voters were 18-30 and African American. My self-being an 18 year-old black male it was stressed for me to vote. A lot of entertainers tried to get their fans to vote such as Sean P. Diddy, Jamie Fox and Tom Cruise. To my knowledge the majority of the minority votes went to John Kerry and Edwards. This election has made republications the rulers of the U.S., because of the power they hold in the House of Repersinvaites and the Senate. Im worried that with all the efforts everyone did to reach the minority youth and it was not to make a difference that the youth will defer from voting. In this year election was greatly affected by the youth of America. Many young people voted for the first time this year. All of my friends voted and some for the first time this year a few of them are nineteen. Many nineteen to twenty-two year-olds voted, for the first time. As soon as I walked on Benedict Colleges campus they were in our face about registering to vote. I was also encouraged to vote by my mother, uncle and some teachers. A couple of songs by shoe hip-hop artists were made this year about the election and voting. These artists are among the elite hip-h artists in the business. P. Diddy, a rapper/producer lead a movement to vote called Vote or Die, he was the number one in leading the youth to the voting polls. Some actors helped also such as Jamie Fox and Tom Cruise. All of the people I know voted for Kerry and Edwards. The majority of the people who come to this school voted for the Democratic Party. Since Bush has won and the republicans have the majority in the House and the Senate was does the Democratic Partys voice get heard at? No, where for at least two more years. It seems that the party for the people has became the minotoiry party. ...

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