Thursday, October 31, 2019

Choose a business firm and discuss What is consumer's perception about Term Paper

Choose a business firm and discuss What is consumer's perception about the firm and its product - Term Paper Example Apple Inc This paper chooses Apple Inc for the study of consumer’s perception about goods, because Apple Inc has emerged to be one of the most successful and powerful brands around the world. It is an American based multinational company that designs and produces computers, peripherals, digital players, phones and software etc with greater emphasis on innovation and technology, and markets them through own-retail outlets, online stores and third party sellers (Sander and Slatter, 2009, p. 81). Apple Inc always thrived on innovation (Kerin, Hartley and Berkowitz, 2005, p. 395) especially through on-going product and brand differentiation. The relentless efforts of Apple to focus on ease of use, simplicity, utility, efficiency and fun has helped the company make its new variants of products such as iPhone, iPhone-3G, iPhone- 4-G etc to be very different species than that of its competitors (Newsweek, 2007). Consumers of Apple products expect unique values and technology advantag es from Apple’s computers as well as its digital players and phones. The company is very particular about the value propositions and almost all of its efforts including R&D are meant to satisfy consumers’ expectation of values and innovation. ... l different factors that may impact the perception, the real experiences of consumers after using or buying a product brings the true perception in their minds. Miller, Miller and Miller (2007, p. 16) described that a consumer’s perception about a company or its offerings is based on their past experiences with the company or its offerings, companies that offer similar products or services, and information they have got from friends, family and colleagues. Consumers almost always compare the values, benefits and general features of two or more similar products and services and this comparison in turn form perception in their minds. It is thus closely related to brand positioning and brand image. Consumers’ perception about Apple and its products Though there are discussions regarding Apple’s brand image and consumers’ perception before and after the resignation of its founder Steve Jobs (Hughes, 2011), one thing remained constant that Apple is well known f or its technology. Until 1990s, Apple was costing on borrowed technology, but Steve Jobs realized that a company cannot stay long on ‘technology leader’ strategy without becoming a technology creator. After 1997, Apple made four segmentations of its products and innovated in the way it produced and marketed its products (Betz, 2002, p. 194- 195). As Hoskisson, Hitt and Ireland (2008,p. 133) noted, Apple’s market effort was to develop computers and other offerings that are highly differentiated with help of latest technology. The product differentiation strategy that has implemented has thus created a unique history of its own through very distinctive products ever-available in the market such as iMac, iBook, iTune, iLife, iMusic, iPad, iPod, iPhone and so on. The company approached its market and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Animal tesing in medical research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Animal tesing in medical research - Essay Example However, the cons of animal testing include killing of countless animals for experimentation, huge costs incurred for feeding and caring for the animals, and unreliability of animal testing because many drugs may not function in the same manner on both human and animal bodies. Animal testing is a controversial topic and has been subjected to various misinformation and biased opinions. The paper tries to show both sides of the issue and keeps a positive stand regarding animal testing in medical research. Canadian Health Care Animal testing happens in all countries but in varying degrees. In Canada, animal testing is regulated by the Canadian Council of Animal Care (CCAC). Health Canada is responsible for the overall protection of the Canadian population, which includes protection against the harmful effects of a medication or drug. For this purpose, Canada supports animal tests for development of medicines and healthcare. Canada emphasizes minimizing the suffering of animals by using other available alternatives. Canada encourages â€Å"refinement, replacement and reduction techniques† in animal testing. The CCAC ensures that animals are tested in an ethical manner and under proper conditions. It also stresses that animals should be given as many care facilities as possible within the area of the experimental method. They must also be maintained in a humane manner when they are used. CACC also supervises the laboratories as well as the hygiene and medical needs of animals, and whether a proper dose of pain relievers is given to the animals. There are, however, many organizations in Canada, which oppose animal testing unless absolutely necessary for innovations of better medical facilities. Canada is ready to abolish animal testing if alternatives are discovered, which has yet not happened (Murnaghan, 2010). Pros of Animal Testing Animal testing in most cases ensures safety of use of medicines and products on human beings since they were first tested on an imals before introducing them in the market. Knowledge gained from vivisection of animals in laboratories has helped the medical researchers to know more about cardiovascular diseases of human beings and as a result, there has been a decrease in human deaths due to this disease. Animals are used for research only when there is no alternative way. Animal testing also helps in preservation of the environment. Animals are treated in a humane manner during the course of experimentation. Although animal testing is not a flawless method to guarantee success, it nevertheless reduces the risk of experimentation on human body by ensuring a reasonable possibility of success (Khan, 2011, p. 202). Since human body is an extremely complicated machine, it is necessary for medical researchers to use tools that replicate this complexity. Human body has trillions of cells that work in incredible precision for proper working of all organ systems. In spite of various innovations such as cell cultures and computer models which are strong techniques in the war against human diseases, animals are the closest to replicating this complexity of human body. In the absence of animal tests, medical research would be highly hampered. To minimize the genetic difference between animals and human beings, researchers have invented many methods such as genetically altering animals so that they imitate more closely the human physiology. This has made it possible for scientists to perform those experiments on animals that are not viable on human body even without concerning

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Organisation of the Body: An Overview of Cell Types

Organisation of the Body: An Overview of Cell Types 1.1) Light microscopes can magnify an object to be seen 400-1000 times. Microscopes that allow electron can magnify up to two million times. This allows scientists to see things in more detail such as cells, this result has given doctors and scientists more understanding and function. Light microscopes use a visible light that bends and passes through the lens. Electron microscopes use a beam of electrons for light magnification. Electron microscopes allow higher magnification compared to a light microscope, this then allows a vision in internal structure. Electron is the particle having a negative charge and then orbiting the nucleus, the flow of electrons in the conductor of electricity. Resolution is in which a image can be recorded, or produced. This is often expressed in per unit. To calculate the length of an object that has been magnified. You find the length of the object equals the length of the object after it has been magnified then divide by the magnification. Electron mi croscopes can be very expensive. They need a constant supply of voltage, this then needs to be always stable, monitored and maintained throughout. This machine is man made and can make errors. Only skilled people may use it, without these pro cations the reading may not be accurate. 2.1) The cell wall is located in and around the plasma membranes of different types of cells. Cell wall function is to support protect and allow water, carbon dioxide to diffuse in and out of the cell. Plants have cell walls while animal cells do not. Cell walls are made up of carbohydrates, they give shape to the cell. They help plants keep there shape and allow them to stand straight. The cell wall provides protection against pathogens and other substances that maybe harmful to the cell.  Ã‚   The cell membrane is inside the cell wall. In a animal it is in the outer layer and supports and gives protection, also controls movement of materials in and out of the cell. It is also a barrier between the cell and the cells environment but also maintains homeostasis. The nucleus is located in all cells except prokayotes. The shape is large and oval. The nucleus contains one or sometimes more nucleoli and holds DNA. The nucleus controls the activities in the cell and also contains hereditary material located in the cell. The cytoplasm is located in all cells. It is a clear jelly material. The cytoplasm holds organelles in the cell in place. The cytoplasm has three components, the organelles, cytosol and cytoplasmic inclusions. The cytosol is in part of the cytoplasm, it contains cytoskeleton, molecules salt and water. Organelles are small in structure. They perform a variety of functions. Endoplasmic is in all cells except prukaryoles. It connects to the nuclear envelope and cell membrane. It also carries materials through the cell. This also helps to make proteins. Some of the functions of the endoplasmic are mechanical support, the transport and function of the synthesis, this is especially the transport of proteins. The ribosomes is contained in all cells. The ribosomes synthesizes proteins that will be used inside the cell. Ribosomes are found in the reticulum and can be found around in the cytoplasm. Ribosomes are responsible for making and assembling acids and proteins. Ribosomes will be found in the cytoplasm of the cell. The proteins they make will function in the cytosol, they are then moved outside the cell and included in the cells membranes. 3.1) Membrane structure is located in all cells. In plants it is inside the cell wall, in animals it is in the outer layer wall. Most of the cell membrane structure is made up of proteins and phospholipids. The cell membrane structure is not solid. The cell membrane structure gives support and a barrier between the cell and movement. The membrane structure holds everything in but also keeps any harmful things out. 3.2) Diffusion is the spreading of different particles of gas, substance or a solution. The act is the movement of particles, the higher the temperature the faster the particles will move, then the faster the diffusion will take place. Osmosis happens when two solutions are separated this is the movement of water from one area of high to an area of low water across a membrane (semi-permeable). Permeable membranes will let water through but other solution such as sugar cannot flow through freely. The active energy uses energy to move different substances in and out of cells. Active transport is important in the kidneys for keeping a hold of different substances needed by the body. These substances are glucose and ions. 4.1) There are four types of tissues in the human body, epithelial, connective, nervous, and muscle. 4.2) Epithelial tissue protects the human body from moisture loss, bacteria and internal injury. There are two types of epithelial tissue in the human body, one covers all the internal and the other external body surfaces and also the outer layer of your skin, the lymph vessels and digestive tract. Glandular epithelial also produces hormones and other products such as, sweat, saliva, stomach acid and milk. Connective tissue holds structures together, the loose connective tissue holds the outer layer of skin and the under layer of muscle tissue. This tissue is also found in lymph nodes, fat layers and red bone marrow. The nervous tissue forms the nervous system. This is responsible for all the movements of the body though its network of nerves. It can bring on the fight or flight response to the body. This response is a survival technique enabling people to react quickly to pain and other life threatening situations. The nervous system is the brain, spinal cord and sensory organs, the se nerves consist with these two parts of the body. Neurons are the structural unit of the nervous system. They communicate within the body by transporting signals. There are three types of neurons, afferent neurons are sensory neurons. They transport sensory signals to the sensory nervous system from other receptors in the human body. Efferent neurons are known as motor neurons and transmit signals from the muscles and glands. Inter neurons form within the central nervous system to relay information received from the afferent neurons and direct the function of the body through effect information, in other words they work together. Muscle tissue forms over the skeleton and is attached to bones and causes movement within the human body. Cardiac muscle is formed and located in the heart. Smooth muscle is located in the walls of the blood vessels, it is also located and found in the digestive and urogenital tracts. 5.1) Cells that join together are not identical but work together to accomplish different functions for the human body. All living things are made up of cells. One cell makes a form of tissue. Nerve cells will form nerve tissue, sweat glands form sweat gland tissue. Skin tissue is made of hair tissue oil and sweat tissue, they all have cells that form from this and are all working together to form the skin. The human body is made of cells, which then form tissue, which then form organs all working together because without this the body would not work. Word count: 1210 Claire Richardson Bibliography: la.a. (2001-2003). The making of an organ.  Available: Last accessed 29 July 2014. BBC teachers. (aqa science). Tissues organs in animals.  Available: gcse bite size. Last accessed 29 July 2014. 1.1) Comparing light and electron microscopes. description usage Light microscope Uses radiation, in the form of light and electron beams. This forms a larger and more detailed image to the human eye. Can be used for looking at specimens. Immediate image. Lower resolution. Can measure living processes taking place, eg cell division. Magnification: x1000 to x 2000 image and quality.. Light microscopes are smaller and lighter and easier to move. Less expensive, wavelength 400-700nm. Wavelength 1nm. The light is via glass lenses. Images can be viewed directly. Eyepiece to use is projector lenses. Source used is light. Electron microscope Uses radiation, in the form of light or electron beams. Uses beams of electrons instead of rays of visible light. Forms highly magnified images of areas materials and biological specimens. Immediate image. Higher resolution in measuring smaller images. Not possible to view and living material due to a vacuum inside the electron microscope. Magnification: x 100,000 sem to tem x 250,000. Two types of electron microscope: transmission electron microscope, and scanning electron microscope. Form larger images used that the human eye would not see. Techniques used staining, mounting, and slicing. Cost is expensive to run. Use electromagnet(magnetic projector). Effective wavelength 1 nm. 2.1) Organelle Function of the organelle chromatin Is a combination of DNA and other proteins that make up the chrmosomes. Found in nuclear envelope of the eukaryotic cells. The chromosomes are made when there is cell division. Chromatin is in the nucleus of the cell. ribosome Located in the cytoplasm. Make proteins that is used in the cell. Others are found in the enoplasmic reticulum. Endoplasmic recticulum (rough) Endoplasmic reticulum is a membrane that is found in animal cells and plant cells but not in prokaryotic cells. Responsible for transporting proteins and carbohydrates to other organelles. The surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum is with the protein making ribosome, which gives the appearance of a rough surface. It is called rough because it is studded with ribosomes.. Endoplasmic recticulum (smooth) The smooth is a production of metaolism of fats, and steroid hormones. It is also connected with some slippery fats Lymosome Contains digestive enzymes, break down material that enters the cell. Break down components, bacteria and other materials. Enzymes are strong and can destrong cell function if released. Remain in the cell within lysosomes membrane to prevent this. Golgi apparatus This sorts out packaging of proteins for secretion, and also involved in the transport of lipids around the cell. Also the creation of lysosomes. Flagella The flagella is the censory of the organelle. Checks chemical balances and temperature outside the cell. Found in prokaryptic and eukaryotic cells. Mitrochondria Organelles that break down nutrients and creates energy for the cell. Creating cell energy, cellular respiration, similar to the digestive system. Mitochondria are small in size organelles. Nucleus The nucleus creates and regulates cell activity, controls enzymes that are in the cell. Nucleus is found in the eukaryotic cells, contains cells genetics, DNA molecules, in proteins to form chromosomes. 4.2) Red blood cells are found in bone marrow. All blood cells come from bone marrow and form stem cells. Stem cells are found to be imortal, which means they will never die. Not until the human body does. Erythrocytes are also called red blood cells. There function is to help move and transport oxygen in the blood. They are round in shape but are more like disks. Erythrocytes are flexible and have a membrane, this then allows them to move through capillaries. Erythrocytes contain hemoglobin to carry oxygen, they then loose nucleus and organelles, then develop in bone marrow. Ciliated epithelial are hairs that sit on top of tissue. They move back and forth and help move things such as mucleus. They are found in the lining of the respitory, where the lungs is. They are also found in the fallopian tubes in women. This tissue contains mucous to help your body act against and move bacteria such as a cold out of the body. Cililated epithelium has cells called goblet cells without this harmful bacteria would stay in the body and cause you to be very sick. A sperm cell looks like a tadpole. The tadpole has a head, tail and neck. The head provides information in the nucleus and the tail makes peopulsion. The head is flat and measures five micrometers long and three micrometres wide. The neck has two features nuceus and the actrosome. The head contains a mebrane that acts in penetrating the female egg. The sperm penetrates the female egg, and produces material that is genetic and reaches the ovum. The neck measures one micrometer in length and contains spermatozoon and also two of centrioles which are needed in cell division. 3.1) Composition is the ingredients in what is made up in the cell as a whole. The cell membrane or lipid bi-layer is the outer layer of a cell, all cells have a membrane and this separates a cell from the environment around them. The cell membrane acts as a guard to inspect what it allows in the cell and what leaves the cell. The cell internal structure is made up of proteins and lipids, depending where in the body the location of the cell is. Lipids help the cell in its flexibility and shape, proteins help in the cells transfer of molecules across the membrane. Receptor proteins in the cell help communicate with other things outside of the cell, this happens through neurotransmitters and hormones. 3.2) Diffusion is water molecules moving from one area of high water to areas of very low water. Osmosis is the movement of molecules through a membrane of high water to a low water of concentration. Active transport is the movement of molecules across the membrane into the high concentration, this is done by and assisted by enzymes and requires energy to do this Diffusion Osmosis Active transport Passive transport Water molecules moving from one area of high water to low water concentration. Moves molecules through a membrane of high water to a low water concentration. Moves molecules across the membrane into high concentration using enzymes and energy. The movement of chemicals across a cell membrane. Irons to a higher concentration to a lower concentration. Does not require energy to move molecules from one point to another point. Does not require energy to move molecules from one point to another point. Requires energy to move molecules from one point to another point. Does not require energy to move molecules from one point to another point. 4.1) The nervous tissue have two main cells neuroglia and neurons. The neuroglia have functions that support the nerve cells but they do not transmit pulses. Neurons are nerve cells and are very sensitive to heat and cold, dark and light. They transmit electric nerves and information around the body. Muscle tissue have three types of tissue, cardiac skeletal and smooth muscles. Muscle helps with posture, and support. Smooth muscle tissue controls movement in the human body and contracts with other tissue in the intestines and stomach. Skeletal tissue help in the movement of bones such as hips and wrists, this is enclosed in connective tissue(epimysium). The epithelial tissue covers the whole of the body. It is made of cells with one or more layers. It covers all external and internal layers. Types of tissue Structure and function of tissue Nerve tissue Have two cells neurolia and neurons. Have functions that support nerve cells but do not transmit pulses. Neurons sensitive to heat, and cold. Dark and light.transmit signals and information around the body. Muscle tissue Three types of tissue cardiac, skeletal and smooth. Helps with posture and support, controls movement, contracts with other tissues. Connective tissue Provides movement in bones that is present in connective tissue. Epithelial tissue Covers all the body, made up of cells that have one or more layers. Covers all internal and external layers. 5.1) The human body consists of the head and skull which also contains the brain. The pharynx is in the throat, the larynx is at the back of the mouth, the lympth nodes are in the neck, the heart is in the middle of the chest wall. The lungs are behind the ribs, there is arteries in the arms and there is muscle near the skeleton. The spleen is above the stomach, each organ is linked to another organ and they all work together for the human body to work. The brain sends signals to different parts of the body for them to work. Without these signals you could not function. If the brain is dead the rest of the body does not work. The human hand provide the body with support to move objects in many ways. Each hand has twenty seven different bones and ligaments. The hand join on to the wrist and provide flexible movement and wrist action. The hand is also coverd with skin. The nerves are extended into the palm. There are eight carpal bones in the wrist that are bound. The hand is used for movement and picture up abjects. The hand provides the body with a lot of support. Claire Richardson Word count: 2765 Bibliography: nner body. (1999-2013). Hand and wrist.  Available: page 1. Last accessed 30 july 2014. nner body. (1999-2013).  Hand and wrist.  Available: page 1. Last accessed 30 july 2014. microscope resolution. (2001-2003).human biology.Available: compound microscopes. Last accessed 29 july 2014.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Giver :: essays research papers

The Giver - Main Character Jonas, the main character in The Giver by Lois Lowry, is a very strong person, which allows him to go farther in life then the people that surround him. Throughout Jonas's life he has known nothing but "sameness". He lives in a Utopian community where there are no choices and everyone in his world has their lives laid out for them. But, Jonas is given the job of "Receiver of Memory". He alone knows the truths of the world, a world with colors, pain, and choices. What he does with these truths will bring obstacles to his life that will show the readers not only his strengths but his weaknesses as well. Jonas is made to bear the truths of the world alone and is troubled by what he should do with it. Jonas at first doesn't want the memories because after receiving several of them, all that Jonas has known is being questioned and his world turned upside down. 'He is angry and afraid after receiving his first set of memories. Angry because of what has been kept from him and afraid because now he doesn't know what to do. Jonas is uncertain whether the world he learns of is best for his community and if people can be trusted to make decisions on their own. In a conversation to "The Giver" (person passing down the memories) about whether or not it is safe to allow people to make their own choices, Jonas say, "What if they are allowed to choose their own mate? And chose wrong? . . . We really have to protect people from wrong choices." But, by the end of that conversation he is uncertain about his feelings and about many other things. Jonas is confused because he doesn't know what he should do about it or if he should do anything at all. Jonas finally decides to change the world (at least the one he knows of), but he faces many obstacles trying to do so. Jonas speaks to the Giver about giving memories to the community . He wants to share them with everyone and change the way the community works. He wants to give them choices and show them that there are differences. The Giver says the only way the community will receive them is if Jonas goes to the beyond and loses his connection to them.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Sociological Analysis of the Presidential Election of 2012

Sociological Analysis of the Presidential Election of 2012 from a Structural Functionalist Perspective and a Conflict Perspective. As the presidential election draws closer, we could vividly view our society from social conflict and structural functionalist perspectives. The democratic process helps us to ask why do we accept and embrace democracy, how does it influence our social patterns and functions; and how does democracy really work for the stability of our society.In this essay, I will analyze the presidential election of 2012 using sociological perspective with emphasis on manifest and latent functions, class, race and gender conflicts. It is a known fact that democracy and demography are like Siamese twins that cannot be separated. These demographics include gender, race, age, disability, wealth, employment status, and locations. Politicians have used, and still using, these elements to know which group is the best to appease. On gender issue, the two prominent political par ties, Democratic and the Republican Parties, know that â€Å"females voters make up 52% of the US electorate† (Bloomberg News).These women tend to vote for any political party that caters to their needs. Also, race is part of political consideration. The African-Americans, Asian-Americans, the Hispanics and White are different voting blocs which the politicians must woo. According to the online Hispanic News, â€Å"the recent release of National Census data confirms that â€Å"50 million Latinos are part of the American electorate†. Not only the Hispanics are increasing in population, the African American grew by 1. 6% in 2010 while the Asian-American are recently declared, by CNN, as the â€Å"fastest growing minority in the US†.Another demographic to be considered is age. Steven Thomma and William Douglas of McClatchy Newspaper said, â€Å"Statistics show that older white and rich voters are more reliable electorates than the young voters; they tend to vote Republican Party†. The question now is how all these fit into our sociological perspective. I will start by looking at the manifest function of our democracy. In truth, democracy has helped to stabilize and also create unity among citizens. It has become a recognized and accepted process which everyone look forward to periodically.It is intended to involve all qualified adults in picking their next leaders. The sense is that once everyone is involved, then the majority will be pleased with the government. However, as much as there has been good governance through democracy, there have also been some unintended consequences too. These consequences can be seen by examining the latent function of our democracy. Today, one can hardly watch TV or listen to the radio without seeing or hearing the fracture that exists in the political system of our country.Citizens have been divided into two or more groups based on their party affiliations. The divide is so obvious that parties are n ot willing to compromise on any issue. The result is a stagnant government, and no reasonable policies have been passed into law. It is hard to know if this fraction is recognized but we surely know that it is unintended. Aside from stability and loyalty which democracy brought into our society, we have seen inequality that generates conflicts. These conflicts can be seen in class, race and gender.On Class, according to Real Cleat Politics, the Pew Research Center found in 2008 that six out of ten Americans say that the Republican Party â€Å"favors the rich†. Real Clear Politics went further to state how the Republican policies give tax break to the rich and the Democrats want tax breaks for the middle class and the poor. This situation has created a permanent wide gap between the rich and the poor. Another conflict is race; it is not surprising that the political parties are trying to woo the ethnic group with the highest population.The Democrats are trying to lure the Hisp anic with immigration reform while the Republicans are trying to solidify their White base with a promise of deportation of illegal immigrants. Both sides are aggressively marketing their ideas to each race for votes. According to US Catholics News, â€Å"these problems have led to family division, causing a heavy toll on children and families of Hispanic community’. The Hispanics are not the only group suffering from this political division, The African- American, the Asian-American, the Indian-Americans and all other minorities are all struggling to fit into the social structure.For all of these, one can easily see both the minorities and the majority voting along their party line. The minority ethnic groups tend to vote for Democrats while the majority ethnic group votes Republican. Another well observed social conflict can be seen in gender. The gender issue has brought out many social issues. From woman’s health, contraceptives and abortion, parenthood and womanh ood, the list goes on and women are taking their stands on issues that concern them. The women are the largest electorate in US.LA Progress, an online News Journal, after series of research, simply concludes that â€Å"Women will decide 2012 Presidential Election†. For this reason, politicians are coming up with policies that will benefit women. However, not all these policies are favorable to all women. For example, the pro-life advocates want abortion abolished, the pro-choice advocates wants abortion to be part of preventive healthcare programs. The debate has generated so much heat that some abortion clinics were burned down and some abortion doctors were murdered.With all these issues in mind, pro-choice women mostly vote for Democrats while pro-life women mostly vote for Republicans. Men have been the agitators for gun rights. Policies are fashioned to give them freedom to own guns without any restrictions; these policies have led to the availability of street guns. The lovers of guns mostly vote republican while the pro-gun control group mostly votes for republicans. It is important to mention here that National Rifle Association, the best known body that represents gun rights advocates, has both male and female members.Above all, this election is very unique because from the look of things, the minorities especially the Hispanic and women are increasing in population and they will determine the election outcome. The Hispanic and women mostly vote for Democrats while Asian-American, the fastest growing minority, mostly votes for Republicans because of their conservative values. In all, the political landscape is definitely shifting from what it used to be. We will all see the political party it favors in November. References: Bloomberg News:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

American Airlines Flight Case Study Essay

Cause(s) of Accident The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined that the probable cause of this accident was the asymmetrical stall and the ensuing roll of the aircraft because of the uncommanded retraction of the left wing outboard leading edge slats and the loss of stall warning and slat disagreement indication systems resulting from maintenance-induced damage leading to the separation of the number 1 engine and pylon assembly at a critical point during takeoff. The separation resulted from damage by improper maintenance procedures which let to failure of the pylon structure. Structural and Mechanical Factors After a thorough examination of the pylon attachment points, fractures and deformations at the separation points in the forward bulkhead and thrust link were all characteristic of overload. Testimony indicated the forklift was not powered for a period of time because it ran out of fuel. Post accident forklift tests showed that under these conditions leakage would allow a drift down of 1 inch in 30 minutes. Movement of 0.4 inch or less would produce a 7 inch fracture at the flange. Contributing Factors The design and interrelationship of the essential systems as they were affected by the structural loss of the pylon contributed to this accident. Flight control, hydraulic, and electrical systems in the aircraft were all affected by the pylon separation. When the engine separated from the pylon hydraulic pressure and fluid were lost and not recoverable. The separation also severed the electrical wire bundles inside the pylon which included the main feeder circuits between the generator and the No 1 a.c. generator bus. The flight crew was unable to restore power to the aircraft. The failure of engineering to ascertain the damage-inducing potential of a procedure which deviated from the manufacturer’s recommended procedure was another contributed factor. The procedure in question was the removal of the pylon attaching hardware and the positioning of the forklift. As a result, maintenance personnel altered the sequence of hardware removal. Investigation Board Findings The engine and pylon assembly separated either at or immediately after liftoff. The flight crew was committed to continue the takeoff. The aft end of the pylon assembly started to separate in the forward flange of the aircraft bulkhead. The structural separation of the pylon was caused by a complete failure of the forward flange of the aft bulkhead after its residual strength had been critically reduced by the fracture and subsequent service life. The length of the overload fracture and fatigue cracking was about 13 inches. All electrical power to the number 1 a.c. generator bus and number 1 d.c. bus was lost after the pylon separated. The captains flight director instrument, stall warning system, and slat disagreement systems were rendered inoperative. Power was never restored. The number 1 hydraulic system was lost at pylon separation. Hydraulic lines and follow up cables of the drive actuator for the left wing’s outboard leading edge slat were severed by the separation of the pylon and the left wing’s outboard slats retracted during climb out. The retraction of the slats caused an asymmetric stall and subsequent loss of control of the aircraft. The pylon was damaged during maintenance performed on March 29 and 30, 1979 at the American Airlines Maintenance Facility in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Engineering personnel developed procedures for removing the pylon and engine that deviated from manufacturers procedures, and did so without performing proper tests. Recommendations The NTSB recommended that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issue immediately an emergency Airworthiness Directive to inspect all pylon attach points by approved inspection methods. Issue an Airworthiness Directive to require and immediate inspection of all DC-10 aircraft in which an engine pylon assembly had been removed and reinstalled for damage to the wing-mounted pylon aft bulkhead, including its forward flange and the attaching spar web and fasteners. Issue a Maintenance Alert Bulletin directing FAA maintenance inspectors to contact their assigned carriers and advise them to immediately discontinue the practice of lowering and raising the pylon with the engine still attached and adhere to recommended manufacturer procedures. Outcomes After a series of post accident inspections disclosed damaged aft bulkheads in the wing to the engine pylons, the Administrator of the FAA issued an Emergency Order of Suspension on June 6, 1979, which suspended the DC-10 series aircraft type certificate until such time as it can be ascertained that the DC-10 aircraft meets the certification criteria of Part 25 of the FAR and is eligible for a Type Certificate. Twenty days later the FAA issued Special Federal Aviation Regulation 40 which prohibited the operation of any model DC-10 aircraft within the airspace of the United States. On July 13, 1979, after a series of formal investigations, the Administrator found that the DC-10 met the requirements for issuance of a type certificate. And the Emergency Order of Suspension was terminated. In November 1979 the FAA fined American Airlines $500,000 for using faulty maintenance procedures on its DC-10 aircraft by using forklifts to mate the complete engine/pylon assembly with the wing attachment points. Continental Airlines was fined $100,000 on a similar charge. References Aviation Safety Network. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from NTSB. (1979). Aircraft Accident Report, American Airlines, Inc. Flight 191. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Abbreviations in Science and Technology

Abbreviations in Science and Technology Abbreviations in Science and Technology Abbreviations in Science and Technology By Mark Nichol Because of the bewildering variety of abbreviations for scientific and technological terms and the inconsistency of treatment, writers and editors are advised to consult with publications like The Chicago Manual of Style or a handbook specific to a scientific discipline or to an industry to confirm standard modes of abbreviation for specific terms. This post provides an assortment of examples that demonstrate the seemingly chaotic nature of scientific and technological abbreviation. Abbreviations for scientific and technological terms generally do not use periods; an exception is physical dimensions for nonmetric quantities such as gr. for grain, qt. for quart, and bbl. for barrel and temporal abbreviations such as sec. (second), hr. (hour), and mo. (month). Note, too, that unlike abbreviations for physical dimensions, those for durations of time include an s when they are plural: â€Å"15 mins.,† â€Å"5 yrs.,† etc.). Abbreviations of metric units are almost invariably lowercased; an exception is mL for milliliter, so that a lowercase l is not confused for the numeral 1. The format of abbreviation of US units of measure is inconsistent. Sometimes, abbreviations may consist of the first two letters of a word (for example, mi. for mile); in other cases, the abbreviation may be formed from the first and last letters (as in yd. for yard). Rarely, an abbreviation of a foreign term is used, as with lb. instead of po. or pd. for pound, while the abbreviation oz. for ounce is based on the medieval Italian form onza. Just as these abbreviations are usually appropriate only for charts and tables, not for what is called running text (the prevailing content in a publication distinct from display copy- headlines, captions, and the like- and graphic elements such as charts and tables), symbols are usually avoided in running text, but the percentage symbol (%) is occasionally used there, especially in statistically dense content, as are symbols for minutes and seconds in time or distance. However, these should be style as primes (†²) and double primes (†³), although some publications use straight, or dumb, quotation marks ( or ) or even curly, or smart, ones (’ or †). Capitalization of scientific and technological terms is variable, sometimes even for terms in the same category. Just as the first letter for the abbreviation of tablespoon is capitalized to distinguish Tbsp. from the abbreviation for teaspoon (tsp.), Bps (for â€Å"bytes per second†) and bps (for â€Å"bits per second†) are distinguished by initial capitalization of the former but not the latter, and abbreviation of megabit and megabyte are distinguished as Mb and MB, though kilobit is abbreviated kb, while kilobyte is shortened to KB (or simply K). The first letter of the abbreviations for â€Å"kilobyte per second† (Kbps) and â€Å"megabyte per second† (Mbps) is also capitalized. Abbreviations of scientific units named for scientists have initial capitalization, though the spelled-out terms themselves are lowercased- for example, Bq (becquerel), Da (dalton), and J (joule). This is true of abbreviations of words based on surnames, such as F for farad (an abbreviation of Faraday) and V for volt (from Volta). And because the -bel in decibel is in honor of Alexander Graham Bell, that segment of the word for a unit of measurement of sound is capitalized in abbreviation to dB. Likewise, the first letter in Btu is capitalized because it stands for British. (The other letters stand for thermal and units.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Synonyms for â€Å"Meeting†Deck the HallsPersonification vs. Anthropomorphism

Monday, October 21, 2019

We Must Fight essays

We Must Fight essays The 2004 election had an incredible turn out in regards in voters and minority voters. Majority of the new voters were 18-30 and African American. My self-being an 18 year-old black male it was stressed for me to vote. A lot of entertainers tried to get their fans to vote such as Sean P. Diddy, Jamie Fox and Tom Cruise. To my knowledge the majority of the minority votes went to John Kerry and Edwards. This election has made republications the rulers of the U.S., because of the power they hold in the House of Repersinvaites and the Senate. Im worried that with all the efforts everyone did to reach the minority youth and it was not to make a difference that the youth will defer from voting. In this year election was greatly affected by the youth of America. Many young people voted for the first time this year. All of my friends voted and some for the first time this year a few of them are nineteen. Many nineteen to twenty-two year-olds voted, for the first time. As soon as I walked on Benedict Colleges campus they were in our face about registering to vote. I was also encouraged to vote by my mother, uncle and some teachers. A couple of songs by shoe hip-hop artists were made this year about the election and voting. These artists are among the elite hip-h artists in the business. P. Diddy, a rapper/producer lead a movement to vote called Vote or Die, he was the number one in leading the youth to the voting polls. Some actors helped also such as Jamie Fox and Tom Cruise. All of the people I know voted for Kerry and Edwards. The majority of the people who come to this school voted for the Democratic Party. Since Bush has won and the republicans have the majority in the House and the Senate was does the Democratic Partys voice get heard at? No, where for at least two more years. It seems that the party for the people has became the minotoiry party. ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Analysis of Stings by Sylvia Plath

In line 51 of Stings, writer Sylvia Plath uses images, suggestions and oppositions to develop her attitude toward men. In this part of Stings, Plath uses Bee King as his symbol - a man (Ted of her husband) is explained in lines 38-50, but she is a fierce, angry It is the girl of revenge. I am still awake. Because most of Plath's works are confession poems, they can be analyzed not only through the use of her poetry device but also through her private history. This poem was written on May 21, 1962, the second day we visited Wevils at the weekend. In most of Sylvia's biography, there is a frequently repeated story about what she returned to Smith University after trying suicide and subsequent hospitalization. This was the beginning of the spring semester of 1954 and when the plasma first saw a young woman occupying her dormitory during her illness - later Nancy Hunt, later Nancy Hunt Steiner became a plaque Let's take a closer look at Ariel by writing a short memoir about Sri Lanka's b est friends, their relationship. As the story says, Hunt spent a while in Silvia's room. And I felt that the previous resident was ghosted. Thanks to student talent and attempted suicide, Plath is a legend of Smith. According to Steiner, ... as time goes on I am getting more and more familiar with Plath's legendary details while guessing gossip by mentioning her name. Sylvia Plath was born on 27 October 1932 in Boston, Massachusetts. Her mother, Aurelia Schober, is a master's program student at Boston University when she met Otto Plas, her father, Plath's father, who was her professor. They married in January 1932. Otto teaches German and biology, focusing on genetics and bee research. Plath returned to Massachusetts in 1957 and began studying with Robert Lowell. Her first poetry collection, Colossus, was published in England in 1960 and was published in the United States two years later. She returned to England and gave birth to her children Frida and Nicholas in 1960 and 1962, res pectively. On 27th October 1932, at the Memorial Hospital in Boston, Aurelia (Schober) Plath and her husband Otto Plath (3 years old) gave birth to a woman's baby named Sylvia. Otto Plas is a writer of the book Bumblebee and their way published in 1934. Silvia is still very young, but her father is sick. His toes were cut, heels only, and later the legs were cut. Immediately after these incidents, another member of the Plath family was born. Warren Plass entered the world on April 27, 1935 (Sylvia is two and a half years old). When Sylvia came to eight things, she spent the rest of her life on her. Her father Otto died as a victim of diabetes

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Hard Truth of Immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Hard Truth of Immigration - Essay Example As a result, many local nationals learn to feel the hate that they are not supposed to have against these needy immigrants. Besides that, local residents of the nations are beginning to perceive that the immigrants are simply stealing the jobs that are supposed to be for them alone. This creates a rather uncanny situation between the immigrants and the local residents of the nation as the entire situation makes it hard for both parties to accept the situations they are in. According to several studies, immigration has caused a lot of irritation between nations of hosts and immigrant senders as workers to the said target first world countries. Likely, the entire process of creating a more liveable society in countries where immigration rates are high has become an impossible goal for many government administrations around the world today. Undoubtedly, these claims and statistical data of unsatisfied living status directly give an optimum proof that the situation must be given careful attention to by those who are in proper power to make things rather balanced to work for both the immigrants and the local residents of host countries. The need to attend to the growing truth behind immigration is a sincere attempt of

Health Care Policy in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Health Care Policy in the United States - Essay Example Health care in the United States has evolved considerably since its inception. Prior to 1990s, people rarely spoke about health care coverage issues, as health care was considered exclusively for the upper middle class of the society (Kronenfeld, 2002). Over the years of economic development in the United States, the health care policies came to include the middle and lower income classes of society. Over the course of 50 years, the United States has transformed the health care system into a billion-dollar industry. The companies, shareholders, and stakeholders associated with the health care system experienced huge gains and rapid growth throughout the period. The general health care was viewed important by each and every American; they took pride in the development of the system within the country, the increasing use of ever-evolving technologies, and the growth of modernized hospitals located throughout the country (Kronenfeld, 2002). Americans across the nation started believing that health care system was one of the contributing factors behind the enormous economic growth. A series of statistical studies regarding the health care system of the country revealed that they system was collapsing. Several independent researchers within the system concluded that the health care system was in a position of providing proper health care to only 60% of the chronically ill of the country. One of the main reasons supporting this theory was that about 15.8% of Americans were not covered by health insurance despite the United States spending 12% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 1990 on health care (Patel & Rushefsky, 2006). The other industrialized countries of the world – mainly Canada, West Germany, and Japan – spent much less on the health care of the country, yet were still able to provide comprehensive coverage to a greater portion of their populations. Use of the most advanced techniques for improving health care thus did not translate into a h ealthy population (Kronenfeld, 2002). Key amongst the problems with the health care system of the United States was the existence of more than one health care system. According to the study made by Torrens in the year, 1988 there were four different health care systems in the country. The first system covered the middle and the high-income group of the country – those were regularly employed and possessed comprehensive health insurance policies. The second system covered the poor population – those without any insurance coverage. The third and the fourth system of health insurance covered the working military personnels and their dependents and the retired military people, respectively (Kronenfeld, 2002). The health care system of the United States in essence had most of the population covered by private insurance and the government providing insurance mainly for the backward section of the society. To overcome the loopholes of the system of health care of the country and to alleviate the problems relating to the presence of more than one health care system in the country, one option is to form a nationalized health care system with the government of the country acting as the single player of the health care system. The total spending of the system of health care would be done from the government budget. Hence the government

The Relationship Between Firm Performance and Corporate Term Paper

The Relationship Between Firm Performance and Corporate Diversification - Term Paper Example It is the hope of this author that such an identification and understanding be helpful in further defining diversity and exposing the way in which further productivity can be had; thereby leading an organization to experience a benefit. Overview of Issues and Definitions: Although there are currently many definitions of what diversity ultimately means, for purposes of this brief analysis, it will be defined as the extent and level to which the organization/entity in question is able to effectively represent the realities of the environment within which it operates. Ultimately, such a definition implies that diversity in an of itself should be a means by which the organization seeks to reflect the racial, ethnic, and religious realities of both the market that it seeks to compete within and the population that it draws from stop in such a way, such a broad definition allows for this level of diversity not only impact upon the way in which healthcare provision is conducted within a par ticular region but also have far-reaching applications with regards to how individuals interact with and represent those populations with which they seek to provide healthcare solutions for. Diversity cannot and should not be understood as merely trying to fill slots within a corporate structure. Instead, qualified individuals that can both represent the needs of the firm/entity as well as promote further diversity are the ones that should be hired. Under no circumstances should a business entity, or any other entity for that matter, ever engage in seeking to hire specific race, gender, or ethnicity. Ultimately, such process, although oftentimes engaged in the desire to promote diversity is the polar opposite of what equality should mean for all applicants. Ultimately, a final â€Å"no go† that should be referenced is the fact that the firm should be perennially aware of the fact that its diversity is very much a part of its culture. In such a way, the extent and level of imp ortance or lack of importance that diversity espouses is ultimately reflected within the culture of the firm at each and every level. Literature Review: In seeking to trace an understanding of diversity, the first article that will be mentioned within this brief literature review is entitled â€Å"Shifting the Diversity Climate† (Ringold & Feinstein, 2011). As such, Ringold and Feinsten point to the ways in which firms have recently made a marked shift towards seeking to promote greater degrees of diversity in the hopes that it could boost their success. Realizing that it is not possible for a firm to be profitable and exist and thrive in a market that is itself increasingly diverse, As such, the authors argue that firms have come to realize the means of capturing such a market was at least tangentially dependent upon the level of diversity they could represent (Hewlitt et al., 2013). A similar approach is made with respect to Anand and Winters’ (2008) analysis that so ught to integrate a further level of appreciation for the way in firms led the shift towards appreciating

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Posts Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Posts - Term Paper Example to minimize the chances of the researcher moving out of the topic as research based on what the researcher had learnt in the undergraduate course (Carnegie, 1998). Thus this would ease the search for information as the researcher would have all the required source of information. This information would ease efforts to conduct the research than if he/she was researching on a topic not relevant to his/ her degree. I disagree with choosing a topic based on profundity and breadth. The main reason being the requirement is how much evidence the researcher provides. This may be darned much possible for a topic having short profundity and breadth given the researcher is able to gather large quantity of information required to support argument raised. The same study for a topic with large profundity and breath may have immense trouble to accomplish if the researcher is unable to gather enough evidence to support the argument. Data collected during the research may be enough but still fail to satisfy the requirement of the topic researched. Thus the size of the topic being for which research I conducted may not be of substantial necessity in conducting the research. I agree that, to source for a sufficient amount of pertinent information is extremely importance in conducting the study. This evidenced by the fact that for any research being conducted it is a prime requirement to have sufficient information (See, 2012). It evidenced that plenty of information provides enough proof to support the topic under which one is carrying a research. Sufficient information is a crucial aspect to the research, completion of search for pertinent information clearly indicates that one is almost completing the project. This being the most expensive stage of research requires one to purchase several materials, do printing, fill questionnaire and prepare for the presentation. Qualifying the presentation stage shows that the research was successful and thus the information obtained was

What role does early education play in the 'gendering ' of children Essay

What role does early education play in the 'gendering ' of children - Essay Example Early childhood is the most important developmental duration of life. A child who is stimulated visually, engaged continuously in activities that are interactive, hugged, cooed to comforted is more likely to entirely establish cognitive, emotional, language and social skills, all of which are very important for success in the community, school, and subsequently in life (Martin 1998,pg.495). Making comments that are gendered or interpretations that are gendered of behaviors that are not gendered. For example, continually commenting on the children’s appearance designated female at birth. This is not entire freedom because the parent/teacher has obviously designated the kid a gender prior to the child’s ability to independently express it. Gender stereotypes’ fighting is okay, but it is different as allowing a kid to explore gender by themselves without a gender being designated to them at birth (Grotewell, et al. 2008,pg.72). From the moment that a child is born, hr/she is indoctrinated with cues originating from family, teachers, friends, strangers, playmates, and the media on the way to carry out our genders, and the gender they are supposed to be performing. New parents in most cases are barraged with polite expressions on how ‘strong’ their small boy will become, or how ‘beautiful’ their daughter is. These compliments have loaded messages regarding how boys are supposed to be and how the girls should look like. However much innocent the compliments are and daily gendered messages have a lasting and profound effect on the way children internalize and learn the gender concept. Children’s encounter with early gender biases shapes their beliefs and attitudes related to their interpersonal development and interpersonal relationships; equality education access; and well-being of their psychological and stifle their physical. As children

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Relationship Between Firm Performance and Corporate Term Paper

The Relationship Between Firm Performance and Corporate Diversification - Term Paper Example It is the hope of this author that such an identification and understanding be helpful in further defining diversity and exposing the way in which further productivity can be had; thereby leading an organization to experience a benefit. Overview of Issues and Definitions: Although there are currently many definitions of what diversity ultimately means, for purposes of this brief analysis, it will be defined as the extent and level to which the organization/entity in question is able to effectively represent the realities of the environment within which it operates. Ultimately, such a definition implies that diversity in an of itself should be a means by which the organization seeks to reflect the racial, ethnic, and religious realities of both the market that it seeks to compete within and the population that it draws from stop in such a way, such a broad definition allows for this level of diversity not only impact upon the way in which healthcare provision is conducted within a par ticular region but also have far-reaching applications with regards to how individuals interact with and represent those populations with which they seek to provide healthcare solutions for. Diversity cannot and should not be understood as merely trying to fill slots within a corporate structure. Instead, qualified individuals that can both represent the needs of the firm/entity as well as promote further diversity are the ones that should be hired. Under no circumstances should a business entity, or any other entity for that matter, ever engage in seeking to hire specific race, gender, or ethnicity. Ultimately, such process, although oftentimes engaged in the desire to promote diversity is the polar opposite of what equality should mean for all applicants. Ultimately, a final â€Å"no go† that should be referenced is the fact that the firm should be perennially aware of the fact that its diversity is very much a part of its culture. In such a way, the extent and level of imp ortance or lack of importance that diversity espouses is ultimately reflected within the culture of the firm at each and every level. Literature Review: In seeking to trace an understanding of diversity, the first article that will be mentioned within this brief literature review is entitled â€Å"Shifting the Diversity Climate† (Ringold & Feinstein, 2011). As such, Ringold and Feinsten point to the ways in which firms have recently made a marked shift towards seeking to promote greater degrees of diversity in the hopes that it could boost their success. Realizing that it is not possible for a firm to be profitable and exist and thrive in a market that is itself increasingly diverse, As such, the authors argue that firms have come to realize the means of capturing such a market was at least tangentially dependent upon the level of diversity they could represent (Hewlitt et al., 2013). A similar approach is made with respect to Anand and Winters’ (2008) analysis that so ught to integrate a further level of appreciation for the way in firms led the shift towards appreciating

What role does early education play in the 'gendering ' of children Essay

What role does early education play in the 'gendering ' of children - Essay Example Early childhood is the most important developmental duration of life. A child who is stimulated visually, engaged continuously in activities that are interactive, hugged, cooed to comforted is more likely to entirely establish cognitive, emotional, language and social skills, all of which are very important for success in the community, school, and subsequently in life (Martin 1998,pg.495). Making comments that are gendered or interpretations that are gendered of behaviors that are not gendered. For example, continually commenting on the children’s appearance designated female at birth. This is not entire freedom because the parent/teacher has obviously designated the kid a gender prior to the child’s ability to independently express it. Gender stereotypes’ fighting is okay, but it is different as allowing a kid to explore gender by themselves without a gender being designated to them at birth (Grotewell, et al. 2008,pg.72). From the moment that a child is born, hr/she is indoctrinated with cues originating from family, teachers, friends, strangers, playmates, and the media on the way to carry out our genders, and the gender they are supposed to be performing. New parents in most cases are barraged with polite expressions on how ‘strong’ their small boy will become, or how ‘beautiful’ their daughter is. These compliments have loaded messages regarding how boys are supposed to be and how the girls should look like. However much innocent the compliments are and daily gendered messages have a lasting and profound effect on the way children internalize and learn the gender concept. Children’s encounter with early gender biases shapes their beliefs and attitudes related to their interpersonal development and interpersonal relationships; equality education access; and well-being of their psychological and stifle their physical. As children

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

First Impression of Iago Essay Example for Free

First Impression of Iago Essay My first impression of Iago is that he’s a manipulative and hypocritical man who tries to make up for the lack of success and happiness in his life by destroying that of others. In Iago’s first appearance in the play, he’s seen manipulating the wealthy but foolish Roderigo into giving him money. He claims to be taking this money to buy extravagant gifts to woo Desdemona on Roderigo’s behalf, but he keeps the money for himself. â€Å"Iago, who hast had [Roderigo’s] purse/ As if the strings were [his]† is clearly taking advantage of the jealous suitor of Desdemona (I. i. -3). As Roderigo is threatening to drown himself, Iago says to him, â€Å"If the/ balance of our lives had not one scale of reason to poise/ another of sensuality, the blood and baseness of our/ natures would conduct us to most prepost’rous/ conclusions† (I. iii. 325-329). This is hypocritical of Iago because he is scolding Roderigo for letting emotions and desires take over his life, but Iago lets rage, jealous, and his thirst for revenge take over his life. As a result of the lack of happiness and success in his own life, Iago feels the need to destroy that of others. When Cassio is promoted to lieutenant, Iago conspires to have him fired by suggesting that he’s having an affair with Desdemona. When Othello marries Desdemona, Iago tries to turn Brabantio against his new son-in-law. Iago is unhappy with his life – he doesn’t have the job he wants, and his marriage isn’t a happy one – so he tries to compensate by making the lives of others miserable as well. Iago appears to be a typical villain whose plots are made in an attempt to get revenge on the protagonists. His manipulative and hypocritical ways help conceal his wicked thoughts from the foolish Roderigo and over-trusting Othello.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tourism Tourism Essay

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tourism Tourism Essay Tourism is a popular industry to develop local economics in the world. Apart from the development of economy, tourism also can bring many advantages to local governments and residents. A large number of governments all want to develop tourism to get maximum benefits, even some governments spent much more energy and money on development of tourism. The development of tourism can drive economic growth and working unit increase, so tourism is a significant catalyst for economic growth and employment. Tourism is worth almost  £64bn p.a. to the national economy. It contributes 2.8-3.9% of total GDP and earns almost  £16bn in foreign exchange each year. Tourism employs almost 1.8m people, which is 7% of the employed workforce. One in five of all new jobs are created in the tourism industry. (Liddell 2011). Furthermore, developing tourism is beneficial to local education system. In fact, many tourists go to travel to some famous places, and tourists will point some useful advises to forest or facilities management system. Tourists provide an endless supply of people from around the world that can be targeted and educated on everything from forest stewardship to local history and plans for the future (Stushnoff, 2009). Moreover, tourism can help for fundraising, governments can raise money to build some public facilities or invest for poor children. It is good for the governments credibility, and fundraising is also beneficial to improve the local economy. A tourist provides an easy target for fundraising. Tourists pay fees for everything from camping sites and park entry fees, to licenses for fishing and hunting. The more tourists in a controlled area, means the more money that can be collected for things like education, policing and maintenance of national wilderness areas (Stushnoff, 2009). And then, developing tourism is promoting culture exchange, and local residents can communicate with foreigners. A deep understanding other countries or national culture, it also consummate the local education and broadening residents horizons. Meanwhile, developing tourism also brings many negative effects for local residents and the environment. Above all, pollution is the biggest negative factor concerning tourism. For example, people take transport to their destination, if they take cars or planes, it will cause some air pollution, and it is damage the local environment and affects local residents.Trips to distant conferences can have serious environmental impacts, especially if made by airplane.Because of the aggressive impact of greenhouse gas emissions in the upper atmosphere, their threat to the global climate is more serious than similar trips made at surface level. (Karl and Petter 2001). Moreover, plastic pollution is also a very serious problem from tourism. Many people drop litter carelessly everywhere, especially, some drinks plastics and plastic packets. It causes soil pollution and ruin the environment, this factor can affect local residents lives. Moreover, noise pollution also influences the local residents lives. May not seem like a big problem, but loud noises can scare animals out of the area and possibly even disrupt the local ecosystem (Stushnoff, 2009). Furthermore, water pollution is the most important thing for local residents. People cannot live without water, Visitors often put rubbish into the tourist attractions the stream or sometimes spit into the water and nearby bushes, it causes many kinds of lives dead which live in the river because of pollution, and it influences the ecological balance in the rivers. Regard to local natural resources, developing tourism is wasting many resources, and often behind the requirement. Basically tourism can produce great pressure on local resources like energy, food, and other raw materials that may already be in short supply. So the local governments suffer these pressures from tourism. Greater extraction and transport of these resources depraves the physical impacts associated with their exploitation. Because of the seasonal character of the industry, a high demand is placed upon these resources to meet the high expectations tourists often have (proper heating, hot water, etc.(UNEP, 2001). Concerning Ecological destruction, the development of tourism is indirectly contact to ecological destruction. There are some examples; the first thing is Marine life, it is being wrecked by irresponsible and unregulated tourism by diving, water sports and coastal tourism. Secondly, skiing in Northern Europe has led to mass tourism development which has felled forests and large numbers of tourists have been introduced into fragile and remote destinations. Currently many people worry about the problems of environment from tourism. So there are some solutions to solve the problems which are caused by tourism, first of all, improving the environment management and planning. In the most of countries, the local governments have not carry out good law or rules for improving the environment management and planning. So the local environment has become worse and worse, the local governments should carry out correct and effective environment management to better to develop tourism. In the meantime, governments should also have a good awareness on protecting the environment even local residents. Basically, local governments should carry out some effective actions to make people have better environmental protection consciousness, and the government should play a leadership role to protect the environment. For example, government may require the local media to play some environmental protection advertisements; government officials should get correct points and measures. Then people will realize the serious problem about environment and have a correct awareness for protecting environment. Secondly, regulatory measures are very important for protecting the environment, if governments have not carried out some management measures to environmental protection, it will affect lots of things, even the tourism development. Regulatory measures help offset negative impacts; for instance, controls on the number of tourist activities and movement of visitors within protected areas can limit impacts on the ecosystem and help maintain the integrity and vitality of the site. (UNEP 2001). Recently some governments aggravating the construction of ecological tourism, eco-tourism is a much more important and effective solution for protecting environment and biodiversity. It means increase the income from tourism with protecting environment and biodiversity. And eco-tourism offers countries new opportunities for small-enterprise investment and employment. In the meantime, it increases the national stake in protecting their biological resources. Besides benefits for economy and environmental protection, it also better to save resources. By recognizing the importance of protecting biological diversity, ecotourism is raising appreciation for biological resources and leading to better conservation practices by developing country populations.(Merg,1999) And many countries have trade agreements for protecting the environment. For example, governments limit the number of businessmen and commodities, especially some forest fires which may damage the environment. These measures are very important and effective to solve the environmental problems. Trade agreements and environmental treaties have also played a critical role in strengthening many national environmental practices (Vogel ,1997). Next, investment is one of the most effective ways to protect or manage the environment. Governments get big business and benefits from the tourism, which they can invest to environment. On the one hand, the governments can make the environment better; on the other hand, the better environment can attract more customers to visit. So currently the majority of countries governments all spend a large number of money on managing the environment. Moreover, addressing the impact of tourism transport is also one of the most important for protecting environment; so many local governments carry out some measures to solve this problem. For example, reducing the number of airports and limits some large displacement of transport. According to the needs of tourism development, transport should be used frequently, especially in some the height of tourism, for example, in the summer and public holidays, a large number of customers will go to famous places to travel, it will cause the big pressure for traffic, and it is very easy to cause the traffic jam, which cause traffic inconvenience and travel unhappy. Streets free of traffic congestion, adequate approaches to main highways, enough parking space, usage of ITS for tracking and a more effective utilization of existing infrastructure and regulation of traffic flows, keeping trucks outside of settlements, closing city cores for road transport, creating pedestrian precincts in parts pa rticularly interesting to visitors are main points for the integral organization of traffic in a city or a settlement-tourist destination.'(Mrnjavac,2008). In the future, tourism will be more popular and important in the will brings bigger business and more employment opportunities. In the economic sphere, the WTTC anticipates that tourism will have a global value of US$10.8trillion by 2018, and by 2020, the number of travelling tourists will approach 1.6 billion. On development of employment, those directly employed by tourism worldwide will rise from 238 million this year to 296 million, or one in every 10.8 jobs, by 2018(Rowe 2011). Currently the environmental protection measures are not very effective. But in the future, maybe tourism have good management measures for protecting the environment, and local residents could have the comforts of life without considering the environmental problems from tourism. Many people expect that the environment will be better and the tourism development will be perfection in the future, so in next paragraphs, it will introduce tourism development and environmental changes in the future. In the first place, reducing damage to the environment from tourism, generally governments must carry out some measures and laws to reduce damage to the environment even now the majority of governments spend a large number of money and energy to manage these problem of environment. Thus the environmental problems will be fewer than before, many people believes that the environment will be better and wonderful. In the second place, with the progress of The Times and the technology is in constant updates, so in the future governments will invest more and more money for contributing to local tourism development. More and more different and advanced facilities will be built during the tourism development, which could attract more customers to travel. Furthermore, addressing the impact of tourism transport, as we know, tourisms transport brings a big problem to the environment ¼Ã… ¡air pollution. So in the future the transport system will be more comprehensive and sustainable development, people can do not worry about much more traffic jams during their traveling in happy time, and make the peoples trip more suitable and effective. Moreover, the development of ecological tourism will be more comprehensive in the future, it wills the better to manage the environment and reduce the damage from the tourism, and better to develop the local economy. Increasing local participation in the benefits of biodiversity conservation (through new sources of jobs and incomes), and generating revenues toward conservation of biologically rich areas(Merg 1999) As a result, developing tourism is a very important industry in the world. It brings a big business and many employment opportunities, which are easing the current global employment crisis, and with tourism developing, the local education level and cultural communication skills and have substantially improved. But in the meantime, it also brings many negative effects and very serious problems to the environment and local residents lives. It affects the local residents normal lives with big noise and environmental pollution. And developing tourism is destructing the environment seriously, especially the ecological disruption and environmental pollution. Actually the problems of environmental management should be faced by the whole world, people should consider how to protect the environment and have a good awareness to environmental protection. As a consequence, governments should keep the balance between the environment and tourism revenue.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Clinical Psychology Essay -- Scientific Research, Qualitative Research

Clinical psychology aims to reduce psychological distress and to enhance and promote psychological well-being by the systematic application of knowledge derived from psychological theory and data’ (British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology, 2001). To this end clinical psychology has distinguished itself from other helping professions by an enduring reliance on its foundation of scientific research. Within scientific research there is always a strong debate between those that prefer quantitative methods and those who prefer qualitative ones. proponents of quantitative methods have built the standards in experimental research and in researches performed on a large number of subjects and which use sampling criteria and statistical analysis techniques. On the other side, the qualitative method uses procedures of qualitative nature both at the level of collecting the data as well as the level of analyzing them (Tagliapietra, Trifan, Raineri & Lis, 2009). The gathering data procedures include: interviews, group discussions, observations, journals; while the analysis procedures include coding, categorizations and systematic confrontation between the categories and their dimensions. Such research is often defined as an explorative one, opposite to â€Å"classical† scientific research aiming to confirm / disconfirm initial hypothesis. Among the qualitative methods used in the sci entific research we can list: Focus Group, Speech Analysis, Conversation Analysis, Grounded Theory and Phenomenological Interpretative Analysis (Tagliapietra, Trifan, Raineri & Lis, 2009). This tension between an emphasis on a positivist science base and an emphasis on therapy and professional issues runs through many debates in clinical psy... ...s to use, qualitative methods in drug evaluation can increase the likelihood of discovering new kinds of information about the experiences of patients and those who care for them. In summary, quantitative research method as a research tool has an several contribution in the field of clinical psychology. Opportunities are unlimited in rehabilitation to describe and interpret phenomena via qualitative study. The qualitative research method is needed in addition to or concurrently with the quantitative perspective in improving the practices of clinical psychology. Using qualitative methods in clinical practices has several advantages compared to the quantitative methods. Moreover qualitative method as a research tool has been proven by different researchers that it contributes in development of new theories and new treatment approaches in clinical psychology.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay on Internet Privacy - Carnivore, and the Power Of FBI Surveillanc

Carnivore: The Power Of FBI Surveillance      Ã‚  Ã‚   Abstract:   This paper provides an analysis of the privacy issues associated with governmental Internet surveillance, with a focus on the recently disclosed FBI tool known as Carnivore. It concludes that, while some system of surveillance is necessary, more mechanisms to prevent abuse of privacy must exist.    Communication surveillance has been a controversial issue in the US since the 1920's, when the Supreme Court deemed unwarranted wiretaps legitimate in the case of Olmstead v United States. Since telephone wires ran over public grounds, and the property of Olmstead was not physically violated, the wiretap was upheld as lawful. However, the Supreme Court overturned this ruling in 1967 in the landmark case of Katz v United States. On the basis of the fourth amendment, the court established that individuals have the right to privacy of communication, and that wiretapping is unconstitutional unless it is authorized by a search warrant. [Bowyer, 142-143] Since then, the right to communication privacy has become accepted as an integral facet of the American deontological code of ethics. The FBI has made an at least perfunctory effort to respect the public's demand for Internet privacy with its new Internet surveillance system, Carnivore. However, the current implementation of Carnivore unne cessarily jeopardizes the privacy of innocent individuals.    There is considerable utilitarian value in extending privacy rights to the Internet. The fear that communication is being monitored by a third party inevitably leads to inefficiency, because individuals feel a need to find loopholes in the surveillance. For instance, if the public does not feel comfortable with communica... ... best way to establish this balance of power is by requiring the FBI to have the ISP's perform the searches themselves.          Works Cited Kevin W. Bowyer. "Ethics And Computing". IEEE Press, New York. 2001. (142-143).    Patrick Ross. September 2000    Patrick Riley. Fox News. July 11th, 2000    Donald M. Kerr. FBI. September 6th, 2000    IITRI. November 17th, 2000.    Thomas C. Greene. The Register December 19th, 2000    Chris Oakes. Wired News.,1283,37470,00.html July 12th, 2000

Friday, October 11, 2019

Michelin Co. Ltd.

The Michelin Tyre Company Ltd, incorporated in 1905, was set up in 1889 by two brothers, Andre and Edouard Michelin. Now active in more than 170 countries, Michelin operates across all continents of the world, manufacturing and selling tyres for all kinds of vehicles, publishing maps and guides, and operating Specialist digital services. Most people recognize our world famous mascot, Bibendum, ‘The Michelin man', looking good considering his age! My own division is concerned with tyres made for heavy goods vehicles over 3. 5tonnes, including trucks, coaches, and buses. In the UK and the Republic of Ireland, we have an extensive sales force supporting thousands of tyre distributors, from tyres used in cars and trucks, to those used in specialist industrial and earthmoving equipment. To conduct environmental scanning, we adopt several approaches. We use joint panels with key national and regional trade journals, conducting telephone questionnaires with customers on challenges, issues, and developments in the haulage industry. Our sales Force in the UK and Ireland is responsible for collecting market intelligence, especially on competitors' actions and products. We work with the Road Haulage Association and the Freight Transport Association, which offers us a chance to mix with customers in a non-selling environment, and we belong to the Euro Pool organization, an independent body which acts on behalf of all European tyre manufacturers. Here, we declare our sales on a monthly basis and they send back to us details of our market share. In addition, we conduct our own annual surveys with distribution partners (including ATS Euro master-a Michelin group company-and independent tyre dealers). We use the results of these surveys to track industry market shares with sales revenues. Finally, we analyse and test competitor’s tyre products at our research and development centre. Our scanning activity has picked up lots of challenges, for example rising fuel costs, changes in haulage' patterns due to an increase in internet shopping, new legislation around driving and emission standards, and changing patterns of labour with the increase in Eastern European drivers (often bringing with them their cheaper fuel). However, the biggest challenge that we have experienced in the last 4 or 5 years is the strong competition from cheap imported tyre manufacturers from emerging economies in the east, including India, China, and Korea. These new tyre brands sell very cheaply because of the low manufacturing and labour costs in these countries. Although we knew these brands were coming, we were very surprised by how rapidly customers adopted them. 1. What environmental challenges are faced by Michelin? 2. What are the options with Michelin to handle the situation? Chocolate Bars Food and beverage companies, like their fast food counterparts, are facing increasing pressure from governments as child obesity rates increase in major Western nations. In England, obesity in children under 11 has risen from 9. 9% in 1995 to 13. % in 2003 according to figures outlined in the Health Survey for England (1995-2003). Governments are beginning to scrutinize their public health policies. The British government's 2004 White Paper on Public Health sets out how government will work across departments, with industry and other stakeholders, to support healthier life choices for citizens with specific requirements that food and beverage industry companies will: †¢ Provide people with clearer information on labels about food ingredients so as to allow consumers to make their own choices about what they consume. Promote healthy eating and drinking lifestyles. †¢ Improve the nutritional quality of food products generally. †¢ Restrict certain food, alcohol, and tobacco marketing and promotion to protect Children and young people's health through self-regulation or face some form of government legislation. The chocolate confectionery business is a target for the government as it attempts to wean kids off chocolate snacks at schools and tries to introduce them to apples and oranges instead. The chocolate market in Great Britain, dominated by the trinity of chocolate makers Cadbury Schweppes, Mars Inc. (which trades as Master Foods Europe in Europe), and Nestle. The total market has grown only slightly, by around 1% between 2004 and 2005, with some of the major brands' sales falling by as much as 24% (e. g. Kit Kat). Nevertheless, Britain does seem to have a love affair with chocolate. The question is whether or not it expands our waistlines. 1. What environmental factors are impacting chocolate business in UK? 2. How would you respond in such a situation?

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Analysis on death of the moth by Virginia Woolf Essay

The passage â€Å"The Death of the Moth† has been excerpted from Virginia Woolf’s (1882-1941) collection of essays and published one year after her death. Throughout this particular passage, she symbolizes a moth and its insignificance yet contribution to nature, along with her views on life and death. She skillfully elaborates about this moth, providing information that reveals it is much more noteworthy than it is treated. She begins her writing with a general idea of moths, and although the sentence â€Å"they are hybrid creatures, neither gay like butterflies nor somber like their own† is written in a factual manner, it is actually not a fact; it is her method of expressing that moths are unique individuals, not completely like butterflies and not completely like their own kind. Virginia’s purpose of displaying it in this factually manner is to verify the strength of her belief in this phrase. The moth was trapped and put so much effort into retrieving its freedom that she felt a slight sense of pity for the trapped moth. Nevertheless, she still watches it without reacting to aid it. As she watches it, she realizes the moth has not given up yet, as if it has plenty to strive for. Woolf describes the moth as â€Å"pathetic†, since it was battling against the inevitable and was in pain because of the profound effort that seemed unworthy in her eyes. We see that with numeral examples from this essay, Virginia carefully chooses her style of writing and literary devices to make her writing effective, detailed, and emotionally expressive. It is difficult to understand what exactly motivates her to write like this, and how exactly it reflects her reason for suicide, but there are still many interpretations. She did, however, persistently mention her fascination by the creature, as it had so much determination to live, thrusting its body uneasily, attempting to save itself. The moth seemed to have a dignity that it was holding on to, as it fought vigorously to live. Personally, I think this is the reason people find her motive to voluntarily give up her own life to be extremely ambiguous. The message Woolf is trying to convey to the reader is that one must give in to death, as it is part of the life cycle. One needs to give in to the inevitable, as all beings will die and it is only a matter of time. Even though this particular moth used to be pathetic in her perspective, Virginia now watched it as if it were a renowned masterpiece. The moth had transformed into becoming a truly magnificent creature in her eyes; thus her use of paradox is meant to keep us thinking and wondering. For sixty years now, students and professors of the English language have been studying her rhetorical modes, in hopes of bringing out the true meaning behind her literature.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Abortion Should Be Legal

I believe in choice. Pro-choice. People’s lives and rights should not be interfered by the opinion of another. There are certain rights given to a person which cannot be removed or changed. This gives the choice-maker the right to live with his/her own decision without the guilt or disturbance of a third party. Live your own lives. A body belongs to one soul, giving one soul the rules and rights over it. People tend to forget that. As in an economy, when something is in demand, legal or not, people will sell and buy it. But what about those people who feel guilt over something that shouldn’t pressure them? May it be abortion or not. Most people would like to live under the choices they make without the world pushing them over or religions battering them with stones. With the evolving moral standards of society, abortions are becoming more and more justified. Abortions, the practice of removing a fertilized egg from a mother has become a controversial issue in American society, but should be generally supported because there are circumstances where the mother to be is unable to sustain a pregnancy safely. Young low income women and or girls who become mothers have grim prospects for the future and in the case of rape or incest, forcing a woman made pregnant by this violent act would cause further psychological harm to the victim. In, â€Å"The Cost of Choice†, the National Abortion Federation (NAF) and Planned Parenthood, among other pro-abortion advocacy groups and organizations, have formulated and published standards and guidelines for affiliated clinics and physicians. In fact, Planned Parenthood clinics, with few exceptions, must adhere to the operational standards and protocols mandated by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. State legislatures have obtained copies of these standards and protocols and have used them to formulate minimum health and safety standards for abortion care. Encounter Books, 2004. p 128. ) Those who are against legalizing abortion/pro-life believe that a fetus is a person and should be granted life just as every other living being on this earth. Imagine a mother and child falling into dangerous river rapids and a family member or bystander must decide who to save. It’s a terrible decision that must be made. Regardless of the decision, one life will be lost and one saved. This situation differs so fundamentally from abortion on demand, which is to kill the unborn baby for convenience, as opposed to choosing which life will be saved. Pro-life activist / believers think that abortion is murder, and that life begins at conception. â€Å"In biology and in medicine, it is an accepted fact that the life of any individual organism reproducing by sexual reproduction begins at conception (fertilization). † â€Å"By all the criteria of modern molecular biology, life is present from the moment of conception. † â€Å"Human life begins at the time of conception. † â€Å"Human life begins when after the ovum is fertilized the new combined cell mass begins to divide. â€Å"The beginning of a single human life is from a biological point of view a simple and straightforward matter – the beginning is conception. †(Boonin, 2002, p. 21) Pro-choice believer think that Adoption is a viable alternative to abortion and accomplishes the same result, however statistics show that most women who carry a child do not give their child up for adoption. They might also believe that, an abortion can result in medical complications later in life; the risk of ectopic pregnancies double. Abortion for medical reasons where the mother’s life is in jeopardy that should be left to the discretion of the mother, family, and doctor. It’s true, the mother and the unborn baby are still two separate individuals/entities, but under these difficult circumstances, it’s truly a personal decision for those directly involved. Abortion in cases of rape and/or incest should be treated the same as abortion for medical reasons. It should be up to the victim of the rape or incest what she wants to do in this rare and terrible situation. Some countries now with moderately restrictive laws permit abortions to protect a women’s health, to end pregnancies resulting from rape or incest, to avoid genetic or other defects, or in response to social problems such as unmarried status or low income. Rape one of the top reasons why I believe that a woman should be able to have an abortion. Rape is the act of sexual intercourse with a woman without her consent or with a minor. Having a child resulting from the mother being rape causes many metal problems for the mother as the birth of the child could be a remembrance of what happen. Incest is sexual intercourse between people who are of blood relations this is one of the reasons why abortion should be legal. It is believed that 50% of all incest cases happen to children fewer than 17 years of age. It has also been stated that children who are conceived by incest are more likely to the possibly leading to mental retardation Birth defects are any abnormalities in the structure or function of the fetus. About twenty percent or more of malformed fetuses are aborted; the rest results in a newborn baby with a birth defect. Each type of birth defect is rare . All live births can cause increased percent of infant deaths in the period immediately after birth. Low income is when people have little or no money coming into the home. To care for a child is very expensive you need to buy pampers, milk, formula’s, clothes, powder, cream, soap, towels, cribs and if u are working u need to pay for ah baby sitter. It takes an average of $15000 a year to care of a child. There are now 1. 3 million surgical abortions per year in the United States. 0 The Alan Guttmacher Institute (the research arm of Planned Parenthood) reports that women have abortions for two primary reasons: lack of financial resources and lack of emotional support. .(Encounter Books, 2004. p 198. ) One needs to take into consideration the developmental stages of the fetal life span. Most abortions occur soon after the confirmation of pregnancy, (usually prior to 12 weeks gestation. ) The first twelve weeks is known as the first trimester o r the embryonic phase. At this time the fetus is about 3-3. inches long having a weight of 15-20 grams. The neurological system is primitive at best, demonstrating only vague swimming motions. In the late 1880’s, The American Medical Association led the fight to criminalize all abortions. The campaign was a total success, with every state outlawing abortion. However, criminal prohibition did not stop women from obtaining illegal abortions, which sometimes resulted in severe medical problems. (Abortion, 2002, para. 8) I think this would cause more harm than good to make abortion illegal. Every woman should have the right to make that decision without the government getting involved. I do not recommend abortion as a birth-control method of choice. I merely state that it is a fact the most important single method of birth-control in the world today, and to cut down on population growth we should make abortion easy and safe while we continue to develop other and more â€Å"satisfactory† methods of family limitation. In addition to the 5 million women in the U. S. without access to birth-control for whom abortion would seem a mater of right when they want t, there are the uncounted thousands who after conception suffer some diseases of discover some defect which makes the birth of a live healthy baby unlikely, and the many, too, whose contraceptive methods occasionally do not work. Today abortion under modern hospital conditions is safer than childbirth. Instead of making abortion more difficult and dangerous for women, lawmakers should promote policies that reduc e the need for abortion. Almost 50 percent of all pregnancies in this country are unintended, including over 30 percent within marriage. And over half of all unintended pregnancies end in abortion. In the Roe vs. Wade the Supreme Court ruled that a woman was allowed by the Constitution’s 14th Amendment to receive an abortion before the first trimester. It now appeared that the pro-choice advocates had won the political tug-o-war at last. However, violence continues between the two groups as the animosity and resentment has grown to new heights. The most important part of reproductive rights is the principle that a woman has the right to decide whether and when to have a child. Religious beliefs, politics, incident of pregnancy, support, economy, long term consequences, such as regrets and depression, being able to take responsibility, and health issues are major factors that must be taken in consideration before resulting to abortion. For any pregnant woman, making a decision to abort her child is painful and ruthless, but under certain situation such as rape, young age and financial reasons, a woman should have the right to choose to terminate her pregnancy if she chooses to do so by aborting her unborn child. Abortion Should Be Legal I believe in choice. Pro-choice. People’s lives and rights should not be interfered by the opinion of another. There are certain rights given to a person which cannot be removed or changed. This gives the choice-maker the right to live with his/her own decision without the guilt or disturbance of a third party. Live your own lives. A body belongs to one soul, giving one soul the rules and rights over it. People tend to forget that. As in an economy, when something is in demand, legal or not, people will sell and buy it. But what about those people who feel guilt over something that shouldn’t pressure them? May it be abortion or not. Most people would like to live under the choices they make without the world pushing them over or religions battering them with stones. With the evolving moral standards of society, abortions are becoming more and more justified. Abortions, the practice of removing a fertilized egg from a mother has become a controversial issue in American society, but should be generally supported because there are circumstances where the mother to be is unable to sustain a pregnancy safely. Young low income women and or girls who become mothers have grim prospects for the future and in the case of rape or incest, forcing a woman made pregnant by this violent act would cause further psychological harm to the victim. In, â€Å"The Cost of Choice†, the National Abortion Federation (NAF) and Planned Parenthood, among other pro-abortion advocacy groups and organizations, have formulated and published standards and guidelines for affiliated clinics and physicians. In fact, Planned Parenthood clinics, with few exceptions, must adhere to the operational standards and protocols mandated by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. State legislatures have obtained copies of these standards and protocols and have used them to formulate minimum health and safety standards for abortion care. Encounter Books, 2004. p 128. ) Those who are against legalizing abortion/pro-life believe that a fetus is a person and should be granted life just as every other living being on this earth. Imagine a mother and child falling into dangerous river rapids and a family member or bystander must decide who to save. It’s a terrible decision that must be made. Regardless of the decision, one life will be lost and one saved. This situation differs so fundamentally from abortion on demand, which is to kill the unborn baby for convenience, as opposed to choosing which life will be saved. Pro-life activist / believers think that abortion is murder, and that life begins at conception. â€Å"In biology and in medicine, it is an accepted fact that the life of any individual organism reproducing by sexual reproduction begins at conception (fertilization). † â€Å"By all the criteria of modern molecular biology, life is present from the moment of conception. † â€Å"Human life begins at the time of conception. † â€Å"Human life begins when after the ovum is fertilized the new combined cell mass begins to divide. â€Å"The beginning of a single human life is from a biological point of view a simple and straightforward matter – the beginning is conception. †(Boonin, 2002, p. 21) Pro-choice believer think that Adoption is a viable alternative to abortion and accomplishes the same result, however statistics show that most women who carry a child do not give their child up for adoption. They might also believe that, an abortion can result in medical complications later in life; the risk of ectopic pregnancies double. Abortion for medical reasons where the mother’s life is in jeopardy that should be left to the discretion of the mother, family, and doctor. It’s true, the mother and the unborn baby are still two separate individuals/entities, but under these difficult circumstances, it’s truly a personal decision for those directly involved. Abortion in cases of rape and/or incest should be treated the same as abortion for medical reasons. It should be up to the victim of the rape or incest what she wants to do in this rare and terrible situation. Some countries now with moderately restrictive laws permit abortions to protect a women’s health, to end pregnancies resulting from rape or incest, to avoid genetic or other defects, or in response to social problems such as unmarried status or low income. Rape one of the top reasons why I believe that a woman should be able to have an abortion. Rape is the act of sexual intercourse with a woman without her consent or with a minor. Having a child resulting from the mother being rape causes many metal problems for the mother as the birth of the child could be a remembrance of what happen. Incest is sexual intercourse between people who are of blood relations this is one of the reasons why abortion should be legal. It is believed that 50% of all incest cases happen to children fewer than 17 years of age. It has also been stated that children who are conceived by incest are more likely to the possibly leading to mental retardation Birth defects are any abnormalities in the structure or function of the fetus. About twenty percent or more of malformed fetuses are aborted; the rest results in a newborn baby with a birth defect. Each type of birth defect is rare . All live births can cause increased percent of infant deaths in the period immediately after birth. Low income is when people have little or no money coming into the home. To care for a child is very expensive you need to buy pampers, milk, formula’s, clothes, powder, cream, soap, towels, cribs and if u are working u need to pay for ah baby sitter. It takes an average of $15000 a year to care of a child. There are now 1. 3 million surgical abortions per year in the United States. 0 The Alan Guttmacher Institute (the research arm of Planned Parenthood) reports that women have abortions for two primary reasons: lack of financial resources and lack of emotional support. .(Encounter Books, 2004. p 198. ) One needs to take into consideration the developmental stages of the fetal life span. Most abortions occur soon after the confirmation of pregnancy, (usually prior to 12 weeks gestation. ) The first twelve weeks is known as the first trimester o r the embryonic phase. At this time the fetus is about 3-3. inches long having a weight of 15-20 grams. The neurological system is primitive at best, demonstrating only vague swimming motions. In the late 1880’s, The American Medical Association led the fight to criminalize all abortions. The campaign was a total success, with every state outlawing abortion. However, criminal prohibition did not stop women from obtaining illegal abortions, which sometimes resulted in severe medical problems. (Abortion, 2002, para. 8) I think this would cause more harm than good to make abortion illegal. Every woman should have the right to make that decision without the government getting involved. I do not recommend abortion as a birth-control method of choice. I merely state that it is a fact the most important single method of birth-control in the world today, and to cut down on population growth we should make abortion easy and safe while we continue to develop other and more â€Å"satisfactory† methods of family limitation. In addition to the 5 million women in the U. S. without access to birth-control for whom abortion would seem a mater of right when they want t, there are the uncounted thousands who after conception suffer some diseases of discover some defect which makes the birth of a live healthy baby unlikely, and the many, too, whose contraceptive methods occasionally do not work. Today abortion under modern hospital conditions is safer than childbirth. Instead of making abortion more difficult and dangerous for women, lawmakers should promote policies that reduc e the need for abortion. Almost 50 percent of all pregnancies in this country are unintended, including over 30 percent within marriage. And over half of all unintended pregnancies end in abortion. In the Roe vs. Wade the Supreme Court ruled that a woman was allowed by the Constitution’s 14th Amendment to receive an abortion before the first trimester. It now appeared that the pro-choice advocates had won the political tug-o-war at last. However, violence continues between the two groups as the animosity and resentment has grown to new heights. The most important part of reproductive rights is the principle that a woman has the right to decide whether and when to have a child. Religious beliefs, politics, incident of pregnancy, support, economy, long term consequences, such as regrets and depression, being able to take responsibility, and health issues are major factors that must be taken in consideration before resulting to abortion. For any pregnant woman, making a decision to abort her child is painful and ruthless, but under certain situation such as rape, young age and financial reasons, a woman should have the right to choose to terminate her pregnancy if she chooses to do so by aborting her unborn child.