Friday, September 13, 2019

Discussion questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Discussion questions - Assignment Example This feedback goes a long way in informing the management of an organization on areas of strength or weakness and thus enables the organization to make strategic decisions that with improve the service delivery and hence compete favorably in the industry/market. For instance, I am a subscribed member to an online library from where I frequently visit for academic materials. I often submit a feedback concerning the level of satisfaction I get whenever I use the website and I have noted often that the admin to the website always responds to the comments. I therefore note that my opinions are appreciated and this leads to better service reception whenever I revisit the website for a similar service. Organizations adopt marketing strategies that improve on their competitiveness within the marketing. According to McFarlane (2013), global competition has advanced to take customer value in higher regard and a change has been noted in how customer value is perceived. Unlike in the past times when it was perceived to be driven by the market, the current day perception shows that customer value is responsible of driving the market. The customer feedback should therefore be used to guide managers in making marketing decisions, set goals in marketing as well as evaluate on performance in marketing strategies adopted (Morgan & Rego, 2006). Decisions on the marketing channels to be used are also arrived at by marketers through involving customer

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