Thursday, August 22, 2019

The thrill of reading Essay Example for Free

The thrill of reading Essay Education is an important asset to any one’s life and should be available to every one of all ages. Certain levels of education should be available to people of different levels and should be easily accessible. We need a basic form of education in our everyday lives. If we did not learn simple arithmetic such as how to count or if we did not learn how to read, we would suffer in the real word. If we bought something, people could rob us of our change simply because we cannot count. We would not be able to learn if we cannot read. We would rely on pictures to describe things for us and to convey the message to us. We would lose the thrill of reading. All these basic skills are taught in primary school and everyone should have access to primary school education. It is essential that everyone goes to school and if money is what is stopping them, then the government needs to make a plan to help correct that. Primary education should be made free as it allows people to develop their brains and gain a basic knowledge of the world. The government should provide institutions which learners can attend to be educated which they currently do and they are called government schools. These schools should be subsidised by the government for people who really can’t afford school fees. If people have enough money and choose to attend a private learning institution and have to pay school fees, they should do that at their own will. School should be made compulsory from age six when children are able to understand and grasp concepts more easily until about the age of sixteen where they will have a broad knowledge of the world and can decide whether they want to further their studies in a more specialised way. The quality of learning should be of a good quality at all levels of education. Secondary education expands on the knowledge that learners have received from primary school. It is still a broad range of knowledge but more important knowledge is given to learners especially in terms of career choice paths. It should be free or subsidised by the government for people who are really underprivileged or who really can’t afford school fees. School gives children a basic knowledge in problem solving skills that they may need in their everyday lives. Secondary education is compulsory up until grade 9 since grade 10 is when learners choose specific subjects which they feel may help them later on in life or in the career they are interested in. School should be compulsory till the end of matric. It would keep young people off the street and they would be doing something constructive such as improving their education. Nobody wants to hire a sixteen-year-old which is the age you are allowed to leave school at. Those sixteen-year-olds end up jobless, sitting at home or can become involved in gangs or drugs. Instead of wasting their time, they should rather attend school. They choose not to go to school because they are lazy and need that push to make them do something. They stand a much better chance of getting a job with a matric certificate. Finishing school up until matric level also allows you to explore new areas in your life and so that you can help find yourself, your talents and your interests.

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