Monday, December 23, 2019

hkjhjh - 1374 Words

Medicine can involve art, science, or both. It has existed for thousands of years, during most of which it was an art (an area of skill and knowledge) that frequently had connections to the religious and philosophical beliefs of each culture. For example, a medicine man would apply herbs and say prayers for healing, or an ancient philosopher and physician would apply bloodletting according to the theories of humorism. In recent centuries, since the advent of science, most medicine has become a combination of art and science (both basic and applied, under the umbrella of medical science). Thus, while the perfect stitching technique for suturing an artery is still an art that surgeons learn by practicing, the knowledge of what happens at the†¦show more content†¦Social history (SH): birthplace, residences, marital history, social and economic status, habits (including diet, medications, tobacco, alcohol). Family history (FH): listing of diseases in the family that may impact the patient. A family tree is sometimes used. Review of systems (ROS) or systems inquiry: a set of additional questions to ask, which may be missed on HPI: a general enquiry (have you noticed any weight loss, change in sleep quality, fevers, lumps and bumps? etc.), followed by questions on the body s main organ systems (heart, lungs, digestive tract, urinary tract, etc.). The physical examination is the examination of the patient for medical signs of disease, which are objective and observable, in contrast to symptoms which are volunteered by the patient and not necessarily objectively observable.[9] The healthcare provider uses the senses of sight, hearing, touch, and sometimes smell (e.g., in infection, uremia, diabetic ketoacidosis). Four actions are the basis of physical examination: inspection, palpation (feel), percussion (tap to determine resonance characteristics), and auscultation (listen), generally in that order although auscultation occurs prior to percussion and palpation for abdominal assessments.[10] The clinical examination involves the study of: Vital signs including height, weight, body temperature, blood pressure, pulse, respiration rate, and hemoglobin oxygen saturation

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe Free Essays

string(31) " to go to military production\." The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe| | The world’s most powerful Communist country was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or otherwise known as the Soviet Union. It contained 15 republics that were controlled by a central government. Over time, it developed into a large industrial power that dictated all aspects of the national economy. We will write a custom essay sample on The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe or any similar topic only for you Order Now It set levels of wages and prices, controlled the allocation of resources, and decided what would be produced and how and where goods would be distributed. The Soviet Union was corrupted after World War I. Economic recovery such as Russian industrial production had gotten passed prewar levels by forty percent. New power plants, canals, and giant factories were built. Testing of hydrogen bombs in 1953 and Sputnik 1 in 1957 enhanced the Soviet state’s reputation as a world power abroad. Soviet people did not have much, their apartment’s one room served as both a bed and living room. As the struggle for power continued, Joseph Stalin, the general secretary of the Communist Party, became the master of the Soviet Union and he had a low amount of respect for Communist Party leaders. Stalin was a selfish leader and did not think people from his circle could do anything without him. He believed in a socialist government. The government issued a decree that all literary and scientific work must conform to the political needs of the state itself. As a result of this, there was increased terror. Many believed new purges were to come until Stalin died on March 5. After Stalin’s death, a man named Nikita Khrushchev came in as the chief Soviet policy maker and improved his regime. Khrushchev deleted Stalin’s ruthless policies which became known as De-Stalinization. He also loosened government control on Stalin’s literary works. Khrushchev tried to make consumer goods more popular. He also wanted to increase agricultural output by growing corn and cultivating lands that were east of the Ural Mountains. His attempt in increasing agriculture weakened his reputation within the party. As a result of his bad reputation and increased military spending, the Soviet economy became ruined. He was suddenly deposed in 1964. After Khrushchev fell from power, Leonid Brezhnev, who had been serving as his deputy in the party secretariat, became first secretary of the party. Under his rule the de-Stalinization campaign was highly relaxed. Previous experimental agricultural programs were abandoned and the economy began to flourish. Cold war tensions eased after the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 and there was a limited opening for cultural exchanges with the West. Competition shifted to a space and arms race. In Yugoslavia, a man by the name of Tito, also known as Josip Broz, was the leader of the Communist resistance movement. He wanted an independent Communist state in Yugoslavia. Tito refused to agree with Stalin’s demands of taking over Yugoslavia. By portraying the struggle as one of Yugoslav national freedom, Tito gained his people’s support. Tito ruled Yugoslavia up until his death in 1980. Yugoslavia was a Communist government, but not a Soviet satellite state. The Soviet Union did not allow its Eastern Europe satellites to become independent of Soviet control, especially in Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Hungary. Protests took place in Poland; the Polish Communist Party adopted a series of reforms in October 1956. They elected a first secretary named Wladyslaw Gomulka. He said that Poland had the right to follow its own socialist path. Poland was afraid of the Soviet armed response to his remark so they pledged to remain loyal to the Warsaw Pact. Unrest in Hungary and economic difficulties led to a revolt. What added to the rising rebellion was Imre Nagy, the Hungarian leader, declared Hungary a free nation on November 1, 1956. It also promised free elections. Three days after Nagy’s declaration, the Soviet Army attacked Budapest. 23 After this, the Soviets reestablished control over the country. Nagy was then seized by the Soviet military and executed two years later. 24 Alexander Dubcek was elected first secretary of the Communist party. 25 He introduced freedom of speech and press of freedom to travel abroad. He relaxed censorship, began to pursue an independent foreign policy, and promised a gradual democratization of the Czechoslovakia political system. 26 He wanted to create â€Å"socialism with a human face. †27 All the happiness of the people was ended when the Soviet Army invaded Czechoslovakia in August 1968 28 and crushed the reform movement. Gustav Husak replaced Dubcek, did not follow his reforms, and reestablished the old order. 28 In that same year of 1968 a movement for liberal reforms gained widespread support in Czechoslovakia. 29 When the Czech government seemed to be moving away from the Soviet-style rule, the Soviet Union reacted by sending troops into Czechoslovakia in August to ensure the removal of Czech leaders. 30 After this invasion, the Soviets developed the â€Å"Brezhnev doctrine,†31 a policy that called for Soviet intervention to stop any developments that may disrupt the Communist order in Eastern Europe. 32 Political and economic patterns remained constant and still into the 1980s. An invasion of Afghanistan to help a puppet regime broke down into guerrilla warfare. 33 In most cases the Soviets were cautious international players dodging any direct military interventions. Workers and youth began to react to their strict control and lack of consumer goods. High alcoholism increased death rates and lowered production. A growing economic crisis beginning in the mid-1980s forced major political change. 34 Efforts at reform were matched by developments in Eastern Europe that ended the Russian empire. The initial cause was a deteriorating economy hampered by the costs of rivalry with the United States. By the 1980s the economy was grinding to a halt. Forced industrialization had caused extensive environmental disaster throughout eastern Europe. Related diseases impaired optimism and economic performance. Infant mortality rates increased highly. Industrial production slowed and economic growth stopped, but one-third of national income continued to go to military production. You read "The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe" in category "Papers" 35 Younger leaders recognized that the system might very well collapse. In 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev introduced reforms. 6 He urged nuclear reduction and negotiated with the United States a limitation of medium-range missiles in Europe. The war in Afghanistan was ended by Soviet withdrawal. Internally Gorbachev proclaimed the freedom to comment and criticize. He commended use of market incentives and less use of administrative controls. But strong limits on political freedom remained and the centralized planning apparatus resisted reform. Gorbachev’s policies partly reflected ambivalence about the West as he reduced isolation but still criticized Western values. He wanted reform, not abandonment of basic communist controls. The keynote to reform was perestroika, or economic restructuring. 37 This meant more private ownership and decentralized control of aspects of the economy. Foreign investment was encouraged and military expenditures were reduced to free resources for consumer goods. In 1988 a new constitution gave considerable power to a parliament and abolished the communist monopoly of elections. Gorbachev was elected to a new and powerful presidency in 1990 as people argued for or against reform. 38 By the end of 1991 the Soviet Union had been replaced by a loose union of republics. 9 Gorbachev was dissatisfied so he decided to resign and was replaced by an elected president, Boris Yeltsin. 40 The Communist party was dissolved. Continuing uncertainty showed in 1993 when Yeltsin clashed with the parliament. 41 Yeltsin and the army triumphed and elections followed to produce another constitution. In the midst of continuing political confusion two trends predominated: the economy was weak and there w as a breakdown of values and discipline. 42 Crime flourished and growing economic class divisions threatened stability. The economic and political conditions provoked the states of Eastern Europe to take advantage of the new times to seek independence and internal reform. Soviet troops were withdrawn. Bulgaria arranged free elections in 1989 43; Hungary and Poland in 1988 installed noncommunist governments and moved toward a free economy. 44 Czechoslovakia did the same in 1989. 45 Without a doubt the Soviet Union began to collapse. Ethnic and national tensions got worse dramatically during 1989 to 1991. 46 There was heavy controversy between Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldavia, and Kirghizia. 7 The Soviet government responded by sending troops to these regions to restore order. All 15 of the republics proclaimed that their laws were more superior than those of the central government. During 1989 to 1990, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Armenia, Georgia, and Moldavia all confirmed that they were going to separate from the USSR. 48 However the Soviet government did not recognize any of these independence claims a nd in 1990 Soviet troops stormed various communications facilities in Lithuania and Latvia. 49 During 1988-89, Gorbachev implemented various governmental reforms that radically changed he way in which the Soviet Union was ruled. 49 He persuaded the Communist party to relinquish its monopoly on political power and to recognize the authority of the new Supreme Soviet and the newly created Congress of People’s Deputies. 50 Also, the government created the office of president vested it with broad executive powers. Gorbachev was elected to that position in 1989. 51 The government approved a variety of economic reforms aimed at introducing a market-based economy. These measures included the legalization of private businesses and the reduction of state subsidies for many industries. Numerous economic problems followed, including high inflation and shortages of many goods, in particular food. 52 Meanwhile, democratic reform movements arose in eastern European countries and the legitimacy of Communist rule was challenged. Gorbachev rejected the â€Å"Brezhnev doctrine† 53 and made little effort to support the Communist governments in these nations. Most of them either collapsed or were reconstituted as democratically oriented regimes with the Communist party in a minor role. Gorbachev’s hands-off policy made possible the reunification of Germany in 1990. 4 East Germany in 1989 removed its communist leaders55; the Berlin Wall came down and full German unification occurred in 1990. 56 In 1991, Gorbachev negotiated a power-sharing treaty with most of the union republics. 57 In August, before the treaty was signed, a group of hardline Communists overthrew Gorbachev and seized control of the government. 58 The coup failed very fast because of the large am ount of opposition led by Boris Yeltsin and the failure of important military units to support the coup. Gorbachev survived the attempted coup because of popular support and eventually returned to power. The failed effort led to renewed attacks on the Communist party and to independence movements by minority nationalities. The only violence occurred in Romania when an authoritarian ruler was overthrown. The Communists retained power, through elections, in Bulgaria and Romania. In addition, Gorbachev quit his position as general secretary. 59 A new transitional government designed to give more power to the 15 republics was established. Nationalism continued to rise among the republics. In September of 1991, the Soviet government noticed that Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia were all independent. 0 By November, practically all the rest of the republics had proclaimed their wish for independence from the Soviet Union but at the same time to keep a unified economic economy. On December 8th, Russia, Ukraine, and Byelorussia formed a loose confederation known as the Commonwealth of Independent States, 61 otherwise known as the CIS. By the end of that same month, around December 21, all of th e rest of the republics joined the CIS, except for Georgia. 62 In The Baltic republics declared independence and other regions threatened to secede. By the end of 1991 the Soviet Union had been replaced by a loose union of republics. 63 Gorbachev became very unhappy and on December 25, 1991, Gorbachev resigned as president of the Soviet Union. 64 This ultimately ended the nation. The Communist party was dissolved. Continuing uncertainty showed in 1993 when Yeltsin clashed with the parliament. 65 Yeltsin and the army triumphed and elections followed to produce another constitution. In the midst of continuing political confusion two trends predominated: the economy was weak and there was a breakdown of values and discipline. Crime flourished and growing economic class divisions threatened stability. The new situation in Eastern Europe was marred by ethnic clashes. Yugoslavia fell apart and brutal fighting broke out among its former components. The new governments faced serious economic and environmental problems. Communist parties in Poland and Hungary won elections in 1993-199466 because of economic grievances, but did not attempt to restore the former system because of agitation among minority nationalities; some demanded independence. Although there were several changes over the last decade in Eastern Europe, the 20th century brought fewer changes. The Soviets claimed they were allowing equality for women, but never actually did. 67 They also had negotiated a federation between republics, but minority nationalists were constantly under ethnic Russian control and continued to want to be in charge of their own affairs. However religion maintained a dominant role in the state. People continued to be interested in Western culture, especially in the east European nations. 8 Components of the communist past survive still survive to this very day. The loss of superpower status is resented and the prospects of democratic leadership are insecure. East Europeans whole-heartedly value the benefits of communist welfare social protections and social inequality limits, hoping to combine such ideas with capitalist tendencies. The Russian emphasis on authoritarian government with extreme centralization of power remained. The emph asis on territorial acquisition was maintained with the domination of Eastern Europe after 1945. 9 Among the continuities were a sense of cultural isolation from the West, Russian ethnic domination over minority ethnic and religious groups, and the predominance of the novel as a literary form. Among the differences were the destruction of the powerful landholding aristocracy, the lack of emphasis of the role of Orthodox Christianity, the creation of an industrialized society with a social hierarchy, the presence of household patterns typical of an industrialized state, the attempt to introduce â€Å"socialist realism†70 into the arts, and the collapse of isolation How to cite The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Calometry Lab free essay sample

Volume of water in the calorimeter:| 26. 0 mL| 26. 0 mL| 26. 0 mL| 26. 0 mL| Initial temperature of water in calorimeter:| 25. 3 Â °C| 25. 3 Â °C| 25. 3 Â °C| 25. 3 Â °C| Temperature of hot water and metal in hot water bath:| 100. 5 Â °C| 100. 5 Â °C| 100. 5 Â °C| 100. 5 Â °C| Final temperature reached in the calorimeter:| 31. 6 Â °C| 34. 8 Â °C| 33. 1 Â °C| Â  34. 5 Â °C| Part I: Part II: Metal:| Metal A| Metal B| Metal C| Mass of metal:| 15. 262 g| 25. 605 g| 20. 484 g| Volume of water in the calorimeter:| 24. mL| 24. 0 mL| 24. 0 mL| Initial temperature of water in calorimeter:| 25. 2 Â °C| 25. 3 Â °C| 25. 2 Â °C| Temperature of hot water and metal in hot water bath:| 100. 3 Â °C| 100. 3 Â °C| 100. 3 Â °C| Final temperature reached in the calorimeter:| 27. 5 Â °C| 32. 2 Â °C| 28. 0 Â °C| Part 12: Part I: 1. Calculate the energy change (q) of the surroundings (water) using the enthalpy equation qwater = m ? c ? ?T. We can assume that the specific heat capacity of water is 4. 18 J / (g ? Â °C) and the density of water is 1. 00 g/mL. qwater = m ? c ? ?T m = mass of water = density x volume = 1 x 26 = 26 grams T = T(mix) T(water) = 38. We will write a custom essay sample on Calometry Lab or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 9 25. 3 = 13. 6 q(water) = 26 x 13. 6 x 4. 18 q(water) = 1478 Joules SPECIFIC HEAT: qmetal = -205 J = 15. 363 g X c X (27. 2 100. 3 C) c = 0. 183 J/gC PART2. Using the formula qmetal = m ? c ? ?T, calculate the specific heat of the metal. Use the data from your experiment for the metal in your calculation. q(water) = q(metal) q(metal) = 1478 Joules q(metal) = m ? c ? ?T m = 27. 776 g ?T = T(mix) T(metal) ?T = 38. 9 100. 5 = 61. 6 C = q(metal) / m x ? T C = -1478 / (-61. 6 x 27. 776 ) C = 0. 864 J / (g ? Â °C) Part 3: 12: For #1 theres a specific heat of 0. 864 J / (g ? Â °C) and that is closest to the specific heat of aluminum. So, for this experiment, lets call your metal aluminum. Now, the percent error formula is this: |experimental actual value divided by actual value| x 100 (|0. 864 0. 900| / 0. 900) * 100 = 4. 00 % For #2, you got 0. 183 J/gC. Comparing it to my list, I would recommend some sort of tin or cobalt meltal. 3. 9(. 39-. 39)x100%)/. 39 = 0% So there is a 0% error. It makes sense, given that the experimental results were THE SAME as the known value. Its the same. There is no error. 4. The easiest error reason is that the calorimeter wasnt a perfect insulator. This is because you must have opened the calorimeter when you added the cold water. Thus, heat was lost not only to the cold water but to the surrounding environment. Also, you might not have waited long enough for the thermometer to read, so the temperature of the hot water was lower than it really was, or the temperature of the cold water was warmer than it really was. Another possible source of error is the increase in heat by stirring due to increased kinetic energy.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Research Proposal on Fair Value Measurement Essay Example

Research Proposal on Fair Value Measurement Essay Fair value is the indicator of the measurement of the product’s price in the most actual way, without the influence of the market and without the need of making the biggest profit. It is natural that fair value is a specific quality which can not be measured objectively, because every country and every manufacturer has its own idea about the fair value of the product. Of course, in order to set the appropriate and more or less objective prices, manufacturers have decided to invent a scheme of fair value measurement which would calculate the price of the product without any expenses. So, such objective factors as the problem of supply and demand; the costs on production, distribution, storage and cost on utility are not calculated in the process of measurement. Moreover, such subjective factors as the personal and commercial risks related with the production and trade of the good are not counted. The issue on fair value measurement is very old and exists for hundreds of years. Many years ago the price on product was set by a monarch and merchants did not have the right to chance the price. With the run of time the approach towards the calculation has changed and now it depends on the objective factors related with the cost of the resources, energy and work spent on the creation of the product. In order to make the calculation even more valid, the International Accounting Standards Board decided to adopt the standard of measurement of the fair value of the product called IFRS 13 and it happened in 2011. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Fair Value Measurement specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Fair Value Measurement specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Fair Value Measurement specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Fair value measurement is the indicator which is supposed to reflect the actual price and expenditures on the production of goods and services and the student is able to observe the issue from the alternative side writing a research proposal about it. The proposal should make the professor interested in the topic, so the young person is expected to touch upon the most interesting and disturbing points which can be called the relevant ones in the connection with fair value measurement. One can also dwell on the objectiveness of the methods of measurement and suggest the new one pointing out all its pros and cons. Evidently, the process of PhD or Master’s research proposal writing is quite a troublesome one, because students often do not have enough knowledge of writing and critical analysis of the topic. In order to learn to compose a logical and well-formatted text which can be accepted by the professor, one can read a free example research proposal on fair value measurement written by an expert. Only a quality free sample research proposal on fair value measurement will be enough helpful for the successful writing of a smartly-designed text. At writing service you can order a custom research proposal on Flooding topics. Your proposal will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated PhD and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional research proposal help at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all proposal details: Enjoy professional research proposal writing service!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Transgenic Organisms Essay

Transgenic Organisms Essay Transgenic Organisms Essay Because genes are so universally similar, it is possible to transfer genes from one organism to another. Organisms produced by such a process are called genetically modified organisms or transgenic organisms. The term genetically modified organisms refer to not only plants and animals, but also bacteria. Transgenic organisms are created by gene insertion, gene deletion, or gene replication. In a normal gene, gene replacement results in only the implanted gene being active. Gene insertion results in no active gene being present. And gene insertion results in both the normal and transplanted gene being active. A foreign or modified gene is called a transgene. In making transgenic plants, scientists usually use modified Agrobacterium to insert the transgene, or inject DNA directly into a plant cell. In the making of transgenic animals, scientists often insert the transgene directly into the animal’s egg cell, due to animal cells being relatively large. Once the transgenes enter a n organism, enzymes that normally repair DNA, helps insert the new DNA fragment into the organism’s genes. One example of a transgenic organism is the C5 plum. The C5 has been engineered to have resistance to a specific virus known as Plum Pox or Sharka. The virus affects the entire plant and causes it to produce a decreased amount of fruit, and most of the fruit produced are deformed. To create a plant that was resistant to Sharka, scientists collected the genes for the virus protein coat, which

Friday, November 22, 2019

Abortion †Prolife view

Abortion, the termination of pregnancy before the fetus is capable of independent life, can either be spontaneous or induced. It is called the knowing destruction of the life of an unborn child. (Mass General Laws Chapter 112 Section 12K) When abortion occurs spontaneously, it is called a miscarriage. However, when the loss of a fetus is caused intentionally, it is regarded as a moral issue. Abortion destroys the lives of helpless, innocent children and is illegal in many countries. An estimate of 1.2 million are performed each year. In retrospect, an estimate 38,010,378 innocent children were aborted since 1973 when the process was legalized. Plagiarism Detection >Abortion is a simple and safe procedure if it is done by trained medical workers during the first trimester. There are four different techniques utilized during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. Suction aspiration, also known as vacuum curettage, is the most common surgical means of abortion. This is when a powerful suc tion tube with a sharp cutting edge is inserted into the womb through the dilated cervix. The suction dismembers the body of the developing baby, tearing the placenta from the wall of the uterus, and sucking blood, amniotic fluids, placental tissue, and fetal parts into a bottle. Although it is one of the safer methods, there are still frequent complications such as infection and tearing of the uterus, causing hemorrhaging.Dilatation and Curettage (DC) is another surgical process involving the insertion of a loop shaped steel knife to cut the baby’s body into pieces. The placenta is then scraped off the uterine wall. There is a higher risk of infection with DC and greater blood loss than with Suction aspiration.RU 486 and Methotrexate are two similar types of chemical abortion. RU 486 is a pill that can be taken orally only during the five to nine week period. Three trips must be made to the abortion clinic. In the first, the RU 486 pill is administered after a physical exami nation. During the 2nd, 36 48 hours later, the woman is given a dose of artificial prostaglandins initiating uterine contractions. This causes the embryonic baby to be expelled from the uterus. The third visit, about two weeks later, can determine whether the abortion has been completed or if further surgery is necessary. Methotrexate is administered by intramuscular injection. It attacks growing cells of the trophoblast, which functions as the life support system for the baby. This injection causes the immediate disintegration of sheltering environment in which the embryo lives. Without food or fluids, the living, helpless fetus dies. This dangerous method is rarely used because of its unpredictable side affects.The second trimester includes the thirteenth to twenty-eighth week. Dilatation and Evacuation (DE), similar to DC, uses forceps with sharp metal jaws to grasp the parts of the baby and tear them away from the body. The baby’s skull is often hardened to bone and must sometimes be crushed or compressed. The only side affect is profuse bleeding, and impossible cervical laceration.The rest of the procedures can be done during either the second or third trimester (the twenty-ninth to fortieth week). The first method is Salt Poisoning, otherwise known as saline amniocentesis. A needle is inserted into the abdomen of the mother. Her amniotic fluid is replaced with a solution of concentrated salt. Upon swallowing the salt, the baby is instantly poisoned. This can also cause painful burning of the baby’s skin and deterioration. The baby will die after about an hour. The mother delivers the dead baby after a period of 33 35 hours. Some common side affects are seizures, coma, and even death.Prostaglandins are naturally produced chemical compounds which normally aid in the birthing process. However, the injection of artificial prostaglandins at too early a stage induce violent labor followed by premature birth. Often, various forms of toxins, are inserted to insure dead delivery.Partial Birth Abortion, also known as Dilation and Extraction (DE), is used to abort women who are 20 32 weeks pregnant. The abortionist grabs the unborn baby’s legs with a pair of forceps, pulling the entire baby, excluding the head, into the birth canal. Scissors are jammed and then opened into the baby’s skull, and the brain is suctioned out with a catheter. The dead baby is then removed from the uterus.Hysterotomy is a method generally used when others have failed. Incisions are made into the abdomen and uterus, and the baby is removed. Babies are sometimes born alive during this procedure. This method offers the highest risk to the health of the mother because of the potential of rupturing.Some immediate abortion risks include infection leading to sterility or death, excessive bleeding, high fever, a perforated uterus leading to sterility, shock and death. Abortion also increases the risk of breast cancer, cervical cancer, tubal p regnancy, miscarriage, premature birth, and sterility.The Catholic Church teaches that all humans have a right to live, from the moment of conception until the natural ordained moment of death. According to these teachings, a person is living when as young as an embryo until the last second of life before death. Any of the above stated forms of abortion are morally wrong because they murder a fetus which is living, moving, and breathing. With abortion, we give ourselves dominion over a large part of God’s plan. Our destiny, our fate, and our entire race are intensely affected when we take the decision into our own hands. Playing God by intervening in human life transforms us into murderers. We do not have the capacity to choose life or death for a defenseless fetus.Pope John Paul II teaches that life is always good, a conclusion derived from the handiwork of God in creating man in the image and likeness of God. (Gen. I;26) Thus the human being a limited but true mirror of God ’s glory, has a sublime dignity and his life is held to be inviolable. When the Commandments were handed down to Moses, they were ordained to be true by God. One of those central values was thou shall not kill. Abortion is a direct violation of the fifth Commandment.Even in hard cases such as rape and incest, Catholics believe there are better options. Only one percent of abortions done each year are a result of involuntary sexual occurrences. Every baby is wanted and loved by God who has a distinct plan for their lives. It denies the child the right to live and society the privilege of the child’s gift and contributions to the world. God hears the new life in the womb, the heart within the heart, the anguish cry of hostage child sobbing in the dark.Many times after having an abortion, a woman will become emotionally unstable. Post-abortion syndrome describes the trauma of the woman who finally feels guilty, understands the repercussions of her actions, and regrets her previous decision. Statistics show that 92% feel less in touch with their emotions or feel a need to suppress their emotions. 82% had greater feelings of loneliness or isolation and 86% had increased tendency toward anger or rage. 53% increased or began use of drugs and/or alcohol. 28% attempted suicide. Depression, anxiety, insomnia, and suicide are all common symptoms a woman will encounter after an abortion. Post-abortion counseling is available to aid any woman who is suffering from the pain of death and moral responsibility.In 1973, the process of abortion was legalized in the United States after the cases of Roe verses Wade and Doe verses Bolton. Norma McCorvey lied under oath, saying that she was gang raped. After her testimony, the jury decided to authorize abortions for only the first three months of pregnancy and allowed abortion until birth if a licensed physician judged it necessary for the woman’s health. In the second case, the United States senate judiciary co mmittee concluded that no barriers of any kind would be put on a woman who chose to have an abortion at any stage of her pregnancy.Under United States law, murder is illegal and the consequences for any such action would be imprisonment or, in some states, capital punishment. This is so because human have the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness according to the Constitution. First and foremost is the right to live. It should not be any different in regards to unborn children. A person is created at the instant of conception. Therefore, every instance of abortion is murder. Even pro-choice activists agree with the scientific aspects of a baby’s development within the womb. They believe that although all the organs of a person are present, it is not a person until its birth. Therefore, in their opinion, the fetus doesn’t have any rights, not even the simple right of existence.How can a woman go through with an abortion if she knows the following facts? At 0 days old, the egg and sperm unite. A new life genetically distinct from the mother’s is created. At 4 days old, the cells begin to differentiate. From 18-21 days, the heart of the baby begins to beat. At 6-7 weeks, the nerves and muscles work together for the first time. At 7 weeks, spontaneous movement is detectable. One hundred thousand new nerve cells are made each minute. From 7-8 weeks, the palm and finger prints form. At 8 weeks, all of the unborn baby’s organs are formed, the feet and hands have taken form, and it has the shape of an adult brain. At 11 weeks, all the body systems are working and hiccups can occur. At 3 months old, there is a distinct individuality in behavior. At 4 months old, kicks of the feet can be detected, females have all 5 million ova formed, and the mother will start to show. At 5 months old, there is response to sound and light. At 6 months old, if cared for properly, the baby can be born prematurely.So what exactly is the question ? Life begins at the moment of conception, which was established. If it is murder to kill a human being, in any stage of life, there should be no debate. If it is a moral and social sin, why is this paper even necessary? It should be evident, through our own human nature that to kill our own offspring is WRONG. Life begets life. We have an obligation to the world to keep human life sacred. More than that however, we have an obligation to our own bodies not to allow such violence to be committed. Although this deprivation is one in which the child is denied life, it is one in which the mother is denied the joy and opportunity to raise that baby. In the long run, this will inflict pain on herself, and with each year passing, the emotional effects become more and more taxing. Even Norma McCorvy herself, better known as Jane Roe (in Roe vs. Wade) admits that abortion is an evil, as she is presently an active member of the pro-life movement.Many believe that abortion should be legalized for the extreme cases of pregnancy due to rape and incest. If a child is a product of violence, there is no need to harm another person’s life trying to heal the pain of the woman. This only guarantees further emotional stress for the victimized woman in the future. The disgusting descriptions and pictures available showing the dead baby after the process can change one’s mind. The tiny, innocent looking little babies have suffered a great deal of pain in their last minutes of survival. Because a brain, heart, and nerves have been developed, a fetus is able to feel death just as any other human would. A mother whose child is killed is always devastated with her loss. It is natural for a mother to feel the same way after having her child aborted before having a chance to care for and nurture her son or daughter who is a part of her.In conclusion, through research and evaluation of data, we have determined that abortion is morally wrong and destructive in all circumstanc es. God, the ultimate creator who decides the fate of all humans who come into existence, is the only One with the ability to choose life or death for His people. For us to make this decision ourselves, we are taking dominion over God and disregarding the Predestination that He intends for each living person.Works Cited   Fettner, Ann Giudici. Abortion. Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia. 1996.Hope and Healing. Massachusetts Citizens for Life. Elliot Institute, 1998.Levy, Robert J. Abortion. Microsoft Encarta 96 Encyclopedia. 1993-1995.Pro Life Reference Journal. Massachusetts Citizens for Life. Massachusetts Citizens for Life. 1998Schwarz, Dr. Stephen. The Moral Question of Abortion. [Online] Available: Abortion Techniques: Suction Aspiration. [Online] Available: Plagiarism Detection >Unknown. Is Abortion Safe: Physical Complications. [Online] Available: l3.htmlUnknown. Over 38 Million Abortions in U.S. since 1973. [Online] Available:

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Pros and Cons of Bitcoin Digital Currency Research Paper

Pros and Cons of Bitcoin Digital Currency - Research Paper Example The security and networking for Bitcoin users is safe and they have complete control of their transactions. There are no extra fees charged by merchants without the user finding out. The user gets in touch first with the merchant before charging them any extra fees. In addition, Bitcoin protects the user’s personal information so it cannot be viewed by other people who could in-turn try and steal their identity (Cook, 2014). However, all payments in bitcoin cannot be transacted and finalized until the owner’s information is linkedtothe transaction. Therefore, the backing up and the encryption of the Bitcoin guarantees safety for the money. The user’s information is transparent by using the block chain, where all finalized transactions can be viewed by anyone, but your personal information is blocked or hidden from everyone. You can verify transactions anytime in the Bitcoin block chain. Due to Bitcoin being cryptographically secure, it cannot be changed by any organization, government or person. There are usually no fees or very low fees when making payments to Bitcoin unless you would like it done in a quick manner (Dumitrescu&FiricÄÆ', 2014). Then you can increase the fee so that the payment is processed faster. The Digital Currency converts bitcoin into flat currency, which helps the merchant process their transactions at lower fees than when using credit cards or PayPal. The risks are few for Merchant transactions due to bitcoin’s system being cryptographically secure, where fraud is not possible.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Marketing research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing - Research Proposal Example As an organization that targets products and services regular research is always necessary (Zeithami et al 1990, p. 53). The research will inform of the interests of customers and the situation within the relevant market (McQuarrie 2006, p. ix). With the decline in sales, market research is particularly important as there is uncertainty relative to the market situation and customer interests and habits increases (McQuarrie 2006, p. ix). Market research will determine the utility of introducing new products or for changing existing products or services so that they correspond with customer trends, interests and preferences (Bartels et al 2002, p. 285). Stephen’s management will have to make a research design that corresponds with budget and within their restrictions (Avasarikar et al 2007, p. 2.24). It will be necessary to negotiate for a practical budget in advance of the marketing research. However, the research problem must be unambiguously identified before negotiating for a workable budget. When the research problem is defined clearly, researchers, management and marketing consultants can more clearly define and assign roles prior to the start of research and this will reduce the obstacles implicit in conflicting goals, strategies and approaches relative to the research (Avasarikar et al 2007, p. 2.24).

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A New House Readiness Essay Example for Free

A New House Readiness Essay When making a decision to purchase a new house, one of the economic principles which one must consider will be that people face tradeoffs. If one decides to purchase a new house, he or she will need to give up things such as a holiday, new truck or what they eat which the same amount of money can purchase. In this case, one will need to weigh the priorities. For example, purchasing a new house may make travelling to school and local services more convenient, however it will require one to give up the purchase of a new car which makes travelling to work more inconvenient. Depending on what the decision maker feels is more important, he or she will decide for or against the decision to purchase the house. One of the principles of economics states that trade can make everyone better off. When trade flourishes, it results in a greater purchasing power. In such a case, marginal costs appear small owing to a better purchasing power among people. In this situation, marginal benefits exceed marginal costs and it would be a good idea to purchase the new house Another economic principle which one should consider will be to think at the margin. This will involve weighing marginal benefits and costs of the decision. In this case, marginal benefits of purchasing the house will be its close proximity which will be close to schools and local services. In addition purchasing a new house will provide cleaner, larger and newer space which will improve living conditions. However, marginal costs will include that of lowering one’s disposable income which will lower their ability to purchase other goods such as baby food necessary for the growth of the child. The marginal costs and benefits of the decision to purchase a house will depend on the other factors such as income level. When income level is low, purchasing a new house will greatly affect the disposable income and purchasing power of the decision-maker, hence it is more likely that the person make the decision against purchasing a new house.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Abraham Lincoln :: essays research papers

Abraham Lincoln   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, was very important to the past history of our country. He helped to abolish slavery in this country and kept the American Union from splitting apart during the Civil War.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At 22, he moved to New Salem, Illinois. With his gift for swapping stories and making friends, he became quite popular and was elected to the Illinois legislature in 1834. In his spare time, he taught himself law and became a lawyer. In 1847, he was elected to the U.S. Congress, but returned to his law practice until 1858, when his concern about the spread of slavery prompted him to return to national politics and run for the U.S. Senate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lincoln rose to greatness from a humble beginning. Born in 1809 in a log cabin in Kentucky, Lincoln spent most of his childhood working on the family farm. He had less than a year of school but managed to educate himself by studying and reading books on his own.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He believed that slavery and democracy were fundamentally incompatible. In an 1858 speech, he said: What constitutes the bulwark of our own liberty and independance? It is not our frowning battlements, our bristling sea coats, our army and our navy . . . Our defense is in the spirit which prized liberty as the heritage of all men, in all lands everywhere. Destroy this spirit and you have planted the seeds of despotism at your own doors. Familiarize yourself with the chains of bondage and you prepare your own limbs to wear them (World Book Encyclopedia).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He lost his campaign for the Senate, but during the debates with his opponent Stephen Douglas, he became well known for his opposotion to slavery. The southern states, which believed they depended upon slavery to remain prosperous in the cotton, tobacco, and rice industries, threatened to secede from the nation if Lincoln won the election. Lincoln was inaugurated on March 4, 1861, and by April 12, the southern states had formed the Confedrate States of America and the Civil War began.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Effects of Emotion Regulation on Risk Aversion

This paper is on â€Å"Emotion Regulation and Decision Making Under Risk and Uncertainty† by Mircea Miclea, Andrei C. Miu, Renata M. Heilman, Liviu G. Crisan from Babes-Bolyai University, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and Daniel Houser from George Mason University in Virginia, USA. The study was published in the American Psychological Association, 2010, Vol. 10, No. 2. It deals with emotion regulation (ER) tactics such as cognitive reappraisal and expression suppression and their effects on risk aversion and decision making. Reappraisal involves reformulating the meaning of the situation.Suppression involves inhibiting the responses and behaviours associated with emotions, such as facial expressions, vocal tonality or body language. The researchers hypothesized that participants using reappraisal would portray lower risk aversion (increased risk taking) than subjects using suppression. They induced negative emotions of fear and disgust on their participants through short movie clips and then rated how they did on tests that measure risk-taking based on the ER tactic that they were previously instructed to use. (Heilman, Crisan, Houser, Miclea & Miu, 2010, p. 58). Our textbook defines an experiment as a scientific method of research in which several factors called independent variables are modified to determine their effects on the dependant variable. This enables researchers to find cause and effect between different variables because they will observe if changes in one variable causes changes in the other (Baron, Byrne, Branscombe, & Fritzley, 2010, p. 19). For the purposes of this paper, focus will be on study 1 which looked at the effects of negative emotions such as fear or disgust.The sample was of sixty participants (56 women; mean age 21. 45 years) from the Babes-Bolyai University campus. They were randomly distributed in 6 groups based on the emotion experienced (either fear or disgust) and the ER strategy employed (cognitive reappraisal, expressive su ppression, or control/no ER instructions). The independent variables in this experiment were the ER strategy induced and the emotion experienced by the subjects. The emotion was measured using PANAS-X (posttest).The participants then completed the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) to confirm that they employed the instructed ER strategy. The dependant variable was the risk taking behaviour of the subjects, measured with BART and IGT tests. Results showed that reappraisers, but not suppressors, showed significantly decreased fear and disgust. Findings reveal that cognitive reappraisal increases risk taking by reducing the experience of negative emotions, while expressive suppression does not because it is ineffective in reducing negative emotions (Heilman et al. , 2010, p. 258-61).The textbook deals with the topic of emotion and cognitive regulation by addressing the topics of thought suppression, affect and cognition and emotion regulation. First, thought suppression is the eff ort we take to prevent certain thoughts from entering our consciousness. It is involved in two steps: the first is an automatic process which detects unwanted thoughts, and the second is a conscious process by which we decide to not think about the unpleasant thoughts and concentrate on something else. When we are too tired, the conscious process cannot operate and the unwanted thoughts become stronger.We engage in though suppression to control our feelings and behaviour (Baron et al. , 2010, p. 47-48). Second, the textbook looks at the influence of affect on cognition. Research indicates that our mood influences the way we see the world and our interactions with it. The textbook states that information of affective nature is processed differently than standard information, and as such it is almost impossible to ignore it once it has been introduced into a situation. People in a good mood are encouraged in heuristic thinking, and more likely to accept facts. Baron et al. , 2010, p. 50-53). Lastly, the textbook defines emotion regulation as a cognitive mechanism by which we use our thoughts to regulate and control our feelings. A study by Tykocinski lists two ER techniques: counterfactual thinking, when people adjust their thoughts about negative events to make them seem unavoidable and less distressing, which reduces negative affect, and giving in to temptation, which involves doing things that are potentially bad for us but pleasant in order to improve our mood (Baron et al. 2010, p. 54-55). Some similarities can be traced between the experiment and the textbook. They both agree that our mood has an influence on our cognition. In particular, the textbook tells us that people in a good mood engage in heuristic thinking, that is employing mental shortcuts, and that they are more likely to accept fewer arguments as demonstrated in the study by Ruder and Bless (2003). The experiment by Heilman et al. (2010) shows us that the ER technique one uses can decrease our risk aversion.The textbook does discuss forms of ER techniques that are similar as the one present in Heilman’s study. Thought suppression, as discussed in the textbook, has a few similarities with expressive suppression, in that they both attempt to inhibit something. Cognitive reappraisal is very similar to Tykocinski’s counterfactual thinking. In terms of the research done for the experiment and the textbook, no similarities could be found.This translates in the different names given to the emotion regulation techniques (i. e. reappraisal vs. counterfactual thinking) in between the two. The study certainly has a lot more detailed information on the topic of emotion regulation than the textbook. The latter approaches the topic in a more general way, not surprisingly so since it is a college level manual. A critical look at the journal article reveals that, overall; they did a good job, however there are a few things that are not good.The independent and dependant va riables were chosen properly and they took great care to measure the effects using a variety of tests and statistical analyses. They made sure that fear and disgust was felt and that ER strategies were employed. However, further specification on the way they instructed their participants over which ER strategy to use would be welcome. The study does not list any further information on that topic, other than the participants were given the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire at the end to determine if they followed the assigned instructions.The conclusions seem to follow the results in a coherent and logical fashion. The main problem with this study is their sampling. First of all, it is not very large, and second, it is not representative, as it consists almost exclusively of young women (56) from the campus. This does not allow for generalization. Further experiments with a larger, more representative sample would shed more light on the exact effects of emotion regulation on decision making under risk.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Write About a Member of Your Family That You Feel

I have one member in my family that truly consider â€Å"special†. This person is my youngest son, Adrian. Let me tell you a few things why I think that he is a special person. Adrian was diagnosed with Autism when he was about 2 1/2 years old. He is anti-social and non-verbal. Anti-social means that he doesn't interact with others that are around him. For example, Adrian likes to play by himself. The non-verbal means that he has no ommunication through speech. Even though h is lacking speech, he can communicate his needs in his very own way. For instance, when Adrian wants something to eat, he would come to me, grab my hand and pulls me to the refrigerator. On the other hand, it can get frustrating for him because I am the only person that can understand his body language cues. In addition to his anti-social and non- verbal communication, I have to mention that Adrian s the most loving child I have seen. The reason being is usually children with Autism do not like to be hugge d or cuddled. Adrian loves to give hug and cuddle with me as well as he does with others. Finally, I understand that my son is anti-social and non-verbal. At the same time, he has the ability to be social and communicate with me. He does it in a way no other person would it. As a result of this, I feel that this makes my son a â€Å"special† person.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Representations of the Earth essays

Representations of the Earth essays The Globe is the best representation of the Earths surface. All distances, areas, and shapers are truly and proportionally represented. Globes do have disadvantages such as their unmanageable shape and very small scale. Because of this, cartographers created maps, or projections of the Earths surface onto a developable surface surface that can be rolled out onto a flat plane. The only possible developmental surfaces for globe projections are the cylinder, the cone, and the plane. These developmental surfaces create three natural projection classes: cylindrical, conic, and azimuthal. A cylindrical projection is as if a cylinder were wrapped around a globe which has a light projecting through it. Once the cylinder is rolled out, it creates a two dimensional rectangular projection of the globe. A conic projection is created when a cone is placed tangent to the globe along any small circle and a light is projected from a point opposite of the cones tip. When rolled out, a conic projection appears relatively triangular. An azimuthal projection occurs when a plane is placed on a single point of a globe and a light is projected from the opposite point, creating a rectangular projection. All projections have a common bond in that they all must contain a distortion. Trying to portray a three dimensional surface on a two dimensional plane can lead to various forms of distortion including: areal, angular, scale, direction, and interruption. Areal distortion occurs when different areas of a projection are not consistent in size. An example of areal distortion can be found in the mapping of Greenland which is typically shown to be larger than South America, when in-fact it is one seventh the size. A map with no areal distortion is said to be equal-area. Shape distortion is known as angular distortion. A map with no angular distortion is said to be conformal. Scale distortion is when distances are not the same thro...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Views of Marx and J.S.Mills on Accumulation and Crises Essay

Views of Marx and J.S.Mills on Accumulation and Crises - Essay Example Karl Marx In his theory of surplus value, Marx asserts that the working class or the proletariat exchange their labour for wages with the capitalist class or the bourgeoisie. Unlike in slave and feudal societies where goods were produced for consumption, in capitalist economy, commodities are produced for exchange in the market with the value of exchange being money. Since labour is also exchanged for wages, it is also regarded as a commodity and social relations assume mysterious form of relationship between things concealed by a veil of money. The labourers are alienated from the means of production and produce goods for the capitalists which they in turn exchange to get a profit. However, if workers are productive, they produce more than they would have produced in a normal working day but all the profit realised goes to the capitalist as labourers receive only the normal wages. This is what Marx referred as surplus value of labour (Eatwell and Milgate 2011, p. 192). According to Marx, the surplus value in feudal societies is consumed while in capitalist societies, surplus value is reinvested to produce more surplus value. He referred to reinvestment of surplus value as accumulation of capital (Callinicos 2011). However, the motive for accumulation is not greed but a result of social mechanisms which result in competition between many capitals and a capital that does not reinvest itself is pushed out of the market. As observed by Eatwell and Milgate (2011, p. 195) capitalist production involves circuit of capital from money and commodity. The money is used to produce commodity which is then sold for money used to produce more items. However, difficulties may arise when converting commodity to money because money need not be turned immediately to commodity hence sale and purchases are separated. The seller can hoard money if the investment is not yielding enough profits hence breaking the cycle and therefore, the possibility of crisis is inevitable. In the cr isis theory, Marx asserted that the origin of crisis is the systemic elements of capitalism as a mode of production and basic social order (Callinicos, 2011). These factors include: full employment profit squeeze, underconsumption, and tendency of the rate of profit to fall. In feudal societies, a crisis occurs due to underconsumption but in capitalist societies, it is based on the law of tendency of the rate of profit to fall. As xxx observes the tendency of the rate of profit to fall is due to increased labour productivity which makes demands on the constant capital such as machinery or raw materials. As a result, amount of constant capital grows relative to variable capital leading to higher composition of organic capital and consequently low profit. The value of constant capital according to Marx does not depend on original cost of labour time but labour time for reproducing it hence it diminishes as labour productivity grows leading to low profit. In his study, Marx asserts tha t permanent crises does not exist as indicated by Smith and Malthus in their analysis that overproduction leads to permanent reduction in rate of profit. He believes that a crisis is a transitory stage of capital accumulation and therefore short-run effect. In the process of capital accumu

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Financial and marketing analysis Research Paper

Financial and marketing analysis - Research Paper Example Apart from financial analysis, the study also highlights the information pertaining to different sections of the real estate market in Russia. It is worth mentioning that the whole study gives emphasis on JLL operating in Russia. In Russia, JLL plays an important role in drawing investment from real estate investors. It is one of the major places in Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) region, in which JLL has developed lucrative business. The company has offered huge space for office purposes and has covered 323,000 square meters of space. It has also delivered about 11 office buildings to Russians. There are three types of real estate investment in Russia: commercial, residential and industrial. All the three mentioned sectors are crucial for the company as it drives revenue. The company has encountered increasing revenue and profit trend over the years from 2004 to 2013. However, there were a series of challenges for the company, which made significant changes in its financials following changes in earning per share. The challenges were exchange rate volatility, slow down of the Russian economy and most importantly uncertainty in Ukraine, which affected the confidence of investors in real estate marke t. The investor confidence decreased with the decrease in investment patterns in the first two quarters of 2014. In February 2014, the armed forces of Russia began to take over Crimean Peninsula that is situated in Ukraine. Till date the conflict continued as a result there are huge changes in the financial markets in Russia. It caused turbulence in the financial markets and fell drastically due to instability. After the event the real estate market in Russia is also affected. However, after the financial shock in 2008 to 2009, the country’s real estate market was recovering excellently but the sudden conflict made the situation worse for the real estate companies in Russia (The Economic Newspaper Limited, 2014). The

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Choose a business firm and discuss What is consumer's perception about Term Paper

Choose a business firm and discuss What is consumer's perception about the firm and its product - Term Paper Example Apple Inc This paper chooses Apple Inc for the study of consumer’s perception about goods, because Apple Inc has emerged to be one of the most successful and powerful brands around the world. It is an American based multinational company that designs and produces computers, peripherals, digital players, phones and software etc with greater emphasis on innovation and technology, and markets them through own-retail outlets, online stores and third party sellers (Sander and Slatter, 2009, p. 81). Apple Inc always thrived on innovation (Kerin, Hartley and Berkowitz, 2005, p. 395) especially through on-going product and brand differentiation. The relentless efforts of Apple to focus on ease of use, simplicity, utility, efficiency and fun has helped the company make its new variants of products such as iPhone, iPhone-3G, iPhone- 4-G etc to be very different species than that of its competitors (Newsweek, 2007). Consumers of Apple products expect unique values and technology advantag es from Apple’s computers as well as its digital players and phones. The company is very particular about the value propositions and almost all of its efforts including R&D are meant to satisfy consumers’ expectation of values and innovation. ... l different factors that may impact the perception, the real experiences of consumers after using or buying a product brings the true perception in their minds. Miller, Miller and Miller (2007, p. 16) described that a consumer’s perception about a company or its offerings is based on their past experiences with the company or its offerings, companies that offer similar products or services, and information they have got from friends, family and colleagues. Consumers almost always compare the values, benefits and general features of two or more similar products and services and this comparison in turn form perception in their minds. It is thus closely related to brand positioning and brand image. Consumers’ perception about Apple and its products Though there are discussions regarding Apple’s brand image and consumers’ perception before and after the resignation of its founder Steve Jobs (Hughes, 2011), one thing remained constant that Apple is well known f or its technology. Until 1990s, Apple was costing on borrowed technology, but Steve Jobs realized that a company cannot stay long on ‘technology leader’ strategy without becoming a technology creator. After 1997, Apple made four segmentations of its products and innovated in the way it produced and marketed its products (Betz, 2002, p. 194- 195). As Hoskisson, Hitt and Ireland (2008,p. 133) noted, Apple’s market effort was to develop computers and other offerings that are highly differentiated with help of latest technology. The product differentiation strategy that has implemented has thus created a unique history of its own through very distinctive products ever-available in the market such as iMac, iBook, iTune, iLife, iMusic, iPad, iPod, iPhone and so on. The company approached its market and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Animal tesing in medical research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Animal tesing in medical research - Essay Example However, the cons of animal testing include killing of countless animals for experimentation, huge costs incurred for feeding and caring for the animals, and unreliability of animal testing because many drugs may not function in the same manner on both human and animal bodies. Animal testing is a controversial topic and has been subjected to various misinformation and biased opinions. The paper tries to show both sides of the issue and keeps a positive stand regarding animal testing in medical research. Canadian Health Care Animal testing happens in all countries but in varying degrees. In Canada, animal testing is regulated by the Canadian Council of Animal Care (CCAC). Health Canada is responsible for the overall protection of the Canadian population, which includes protection against the harmful effects of a medication or drug. For this purpose, Canada supports animal tests for development of medicines and healthcare. Canada emphasizes minimizing the suffering of animals by using other available alternatives. Canada encourages â€Å"refinement, replacement and reduction techniques† in animal testing. The CCAC ensures that animals are tested in an ethical manner and under proper conditions. It also stresses that animals should be given as many care facilities as possible within the area of the experimental method. They must also be maintained in a humane manner when they are used. CACC also supervises the laboratories as well as the hygiene and medical needs of animals, and whether a proper dose of pain relievers is given to the animals. There are, however, many organizations in Canada, which oppose animal testing unless absolutely necessary for innovations of better medical facilities. Canada is ready to abolish animal testing if alternatives are discovered, which has yet not happened (Murnaghan, 2010). Pros of Animal Testing Animal testing in most cases ensures safety of use of medicines and products on human beings since they were first tested on an imals before introducing them in the market. Knowledge gained from vivisection of animals in laboratories has helped the medical researchers to know more about cardiovascular diseases of human beings and as a result, there has been a decrease in human deaths due to this disease. Animals are used for research only when there is no alternative way. Animal testing also helps in preservation of the environment. Animals are treated in a humane manner during the course of experimentation. Although animal testing is not a flawless method to guarantee success, it nevertheless reduces the risk of experimentation on human body by ensuring a reasonable possibility of success (Khan, 2011, p. 202). Since human body is an extremely complicated machine, it is necessary for medical researchers to use tools that replicate this complexity. Human body has trillions of cells that work in incredible precision for proper working of all organ systems. In spite of various innovations such as cell cultures and computer models which are strong techniques in the war against human diseases, animals are the closest to replicating this complexity of human body. In the absence of animal tests, medical research would be highly hampered. To minimize the genetic difference between animals and human beings, researchers have invented many methods such as genetically altering animals so that they imitate more closely the human physiology. This has made it possible for scientists to perform those experiments on animals that are not viable on human body even without concerning

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Organisation of the Body: An Overview of Cell Types

Organisation of the Body: An Overview of Cell Types 1.1) Light microscopes can magnify an object to be seen 400-1000 times. Microscopes that allow electron can magnify up to two million times. This allows scientists to see things in more detail such as cells, this result has given doctors and scientists more understanding and function. Light microscopes use a visible light that bends and passes through the lens. Electron microscopes use a beam of electrons for light magnification. Electron microscopes allow higher magnification compared to a light microscope, this then allows a vision in internal structure. Electron is the particle having a negative charge and then orbiting the nucleus, the flow of electrons in the conductor of electricity. Resolution is in which a image can be recorded, or produced. This is often expressed in per unit. To calculate the length of an object that has been magnified. You find the length of the object equals the length of the object after it has been magnified then divide by the magnification. Electron mi croscopes can be very expensive. They need a constant supply of voltage, this then needs to be always stable, monitored and maintained throughout. This machine is man made and can make errors. Only skilled people may use it, without these pro cations the reading may not be accurate. 2.1) The cell wall is located in and around the plasma membranes of different types of cells. Cell wall function is to support protect and allow water, carbon dioxide to diffuse in and out of the cell. Plants have cell walls while animal cells do not. Cell walls are made up of carbohydrates, they give shape to the cell. They help plants keep there shape and allow them to stand straight. The cell wall provides protection against pathogens and other substances that maybe harmful to the cell.  Ã‚   The cell membrane is inside the cell wall. In a animal it is in the outer layer and supports and gives protection, also controls movement of materials in and out of the cell. It is also a barrier between the cell and the cells environment but also maintains homeostasis. The nucleus is located in all cells except prokayotes. The shape is large and oval. The nucleus contains one or sometimes more nucleoli and holds DNA. The nucleus controls the activities in the cell and also contains hereditary material located in the cell. The cytoplasm is located in all cells. It is a clear jelly material. The cytoplasm holds organelles in the cell in place. The cytoplasm has three components, the organelles, cytosol and cytoplasmic inclusions. The cytosol is in part of the cytoplasm, it contains cytoskeleton, molecules salt and water. Organelles are small in structure. They perform a variety of functions. Endoplasmic is in all cells except prukaryoles. It connects to the nuclear envelope and cell membrane. It also carries materials through the cell. This also helps to make proteins. Some of the functions of the endoplasmic are mechanical support, the transport and function of the synthesis, this is especially the transport of proteins. The ribosomes is contained in all cells. The ribosomes synthesizes proteins that will be used inside the cell. Ribosomes are found in the reticulum and can be found around in the cytoplasm. Ribosomes are responsible for making and assembling acids and proteins. Ribosomes will be found in the cytoplasm of the cell. The proteins they make will function in the cytosol, they are then moved outside the cell and included in the cells membranes. 3.1) Membrane structure is located in all cells. In plants it is inside the cell wall, in animals it is in the outer layer wall. Most of the cell membrane structure is made up of proteins and phospholipids. The cell membrane structure is not solid. The cell membrane structure gives support and a barrier between the cell and movement. The membrane structure holds everything in but also keeps any harmful things out. 3.2) Diffusion is the spreading of different particles of gas, substance or a solution. The act is the movement of particles, the higher the temperature the faster the particles will move, then the faster the diffusion will take place. Osmosis happens when two solutions are separated this is the movement of water from one area of high to an area of low water across a membrane (semi-permeable). Permeable membranes will let water through but other solution such as sugar cannot flow through freely. The active energy uses energy to move different substances in and out of cells. Active transport is important in the kidneys for keeping a hold of different substances needed by the body. These substances are glucose and ions. 4.1) There are four types of tissues in the human body, epithelial, connective, nervous, and muscle. 4.2) Epithelial tissue protects the human body from moisture loss, bacteria and internal injury. There are two types of epithelial tissue in the human body, one covers all the internal and the other external body surfaces and also the outer layer of your skin, the lymph vessels and digestive tract. Glandular epithelial also produces hormones and other products such as, sweat, saliva, stomach acid and milk. Connective tissue holds structures together, the loose connective tissue holds the outer layer of skin and the under layer of muscle tissue. This tissue is also found in lymph nodes, fat layers and red bone marrow. The nervous tissue forms the nervous system. This is responsible for all the movements of the body though its network of nerves. It can bring on the fight or flight response to the body. This response is a survival technique enabling people to react quickly to pain and other life threatening situations. The nervous system is the brain, spinal cord and sensory organs, the se nerves consist with these two parts of the body. Neurons are the structural unit of the nervous system. They communicate within the body by transporting signals. There are three types of neurons, afferent neurons are sensory neurons. They transport sensory signals to the sensory nervous system from other receptors in the human body. Efferent neurons are known as motor neurons and transmit signals from the muscles and glands. Inter neurons form within the central nervous system to relay information received from the afferent neurons and direct the function of the body through effect information, in other words they work together. Muscle tissue forms over the skeleton and is attached to bones and causes movement within the human body. Cardiac muscle is formed and located in the heart. Smooth muscle is located in the walls of the blood vessels, it is also located and found in the digestive and urogenital tracts. 5.1) Cells that join together are not identical but work together to accomplish different functions for the human body. All living things are made up of cells. One cell makes a form of tissue. Nerve cells will form nerve tissue, sweat glands form sweat gland tissue. Skin tissue is made of hair tissue oil and sweat tissue, they all have cells that form from this and are all working together to form the skin. The human body is made of cells, which then form tissue, which then form organs all working together because without this the body would not work. Word count: 1210 Claire Richardson Bibliography: la.a. (2001-2003). The making of an organ.  Available: Last accessed 29 July 2014. BBC teachers. (aqa science). Tissues organs in animals.  Available: gcse bite size. Last accessed 29 July 2014. 1.1) Comparing light and electron microscopes. description usage Light microscope Uses radiation, in the form of light and electron beams. This forms a larger and more detailed image to the human eye. Can be used for looking at specimens. Immediate image. Lower resolution. Can measure living processes taking place, eg cell division. Magnification: x1000 to x 2000 image and quality.. Light microscopes are smaller and lighter and easier to move. Less expensive, wavelength 400-700nm. Wavelength 1nm. The light is via glass lenses. Images can be viewed directly. Eyepiece to use is projector lenses. Source used is light. Electron microscope Uses radiation, in the form of light or electron beams. Uses beams of electrons instead of rays of visible light. Forms highly magnified images of areas materials and biological specimens. Immediate image. Higher resolution in measuring smaller images. Not possible to view and living material due to a vacuum inside the electron microscope. Magnification: x 100,000 sem to tem x 250,000. Two types of electron microscope: transmission electron microscope, and scanning electron microscope. Form larger images used that the human eye would not see. Techniques used staining, mounting, and slicing. Cost is expensive to run. Use electromagnet(magnetic projector). Effective wavelength 1 nm. 2.1) Organelle Function of the organelle chromatin Is a combination of DNA and other proteins that make up the chrmosomes. Found in nuclear envelope of the eukaryotic cells. The chromosomes are made when there is cell division. Chromatin is in the nucleus of the cell. ribosome Located in the cytoplasm. Make proteins that is used in the cell. Others are found in the enoplasmic reticulum. Endoplasmic recticulum (rough) Endoplasmic reticulum is a membrane that is found in animal cells and plant cells but not in prokaryotic cells. Responsible for transporting proteins and carbohydrates to other organelles. The surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum is with the protein making ribosome, which gives the appearance of a rough surface. It is called rough because it is studded with ribosomes.. Endoplasmic recticulum (smooth) The smooth is a production of metaolism of fats, and steroid hormones. It is also connected with some slippery fats Lymosome Contains digestive enzymes, break down material that enters the cell. Break down components, bacteria and other materials. Enzymes are strong and can destrong cell function if released. Remain in the cell within lysosomes membrane to prevent this. Golgi apparatus This sorts out packaging of proteins for secretion, and also involved in the transport of lipids around the cell. Also the creation of lysosomes. Flagella The flagella is the censory of the organelle. Checks chemical balances and temperature outside the cell. Found in prokaryptic and eukaryotic cells. Mitrochondria Organelles that break down nutrients and creates energy for the cell. Creating cell energy, cellular respiration, similar to the digestive system. Mitochondria are small in size organelles. Nucleus The nucleus creates and regulates cell activity, controls enzymes that are in the cell. Nucleus is found in the eukaryotic cells, contains cells genetics, DNA molecules, in proteins to form chromosomes. 4.2) Red blood cells are found in bone marrow. All blood cells come from bone marrow and form stem cells. Stem cells are found to be imortal, which means they will never die. Not until the human body does. Erythrocytes are also called red blood cells. There function is to help move and transport oxygen in the blood. They are round in shape but are more like disks. Erythrocytes are flexible and have a membrane, this then allows them to move through capillaries. Erythrocytes contain hemoglobin to carry oxygen, they then loose nucleus and organelles, then develop in bone marrow. Ciliated epithelial are hairs that sit on top of tissue. They move back and forth and help move things such as mucleus. They are found in the lining of the respitory, where the lungs is. They are also found in the fallopian tubes in women. This tissue contains mucous to help your body act against and move bacteria such as a cold out of the body. Cililated epithelium has cells called goblet cells without this harmful bacteria would stay in the body and cause you to be very sick. A sperm cell looks like a tadpole. The tadpole has a head, tail and neck. The head provides information in the nucleus and the tail makes peopulsion. The head is flat and measures five micrometers long and three micrometres wide. The neck has two features nuceus and the actrosome. The head contains a mebrane that acts in penetrating the female egg. The sperm penetrates the female egg, and produces material that is genetic and reaches the ovum. The neck measures one micrometer in length and contains spermatozoon and also two of centrioles which are needed in cell division. 3.1) Composition is the ingredients in what is made up in the cell as a whole. The cell membrane or lipid bi-layer is the outer layer of a cell, all cells have a membrane and this separates a cell from the environment around them. The cell membrane acts as a guard to inspect what it allows in the cell and what leaves the cell. The cell internal structure is made up of proteins and lipids, depending where in the body the location of the cell is. Lipids help the cell in its flexibility and shape, proteins help in the cells transfer of molecules across the membrane. Receptor proteins in the cell help communicate with other things outside of the cell, this happens through neurotransmitters and hormones. 3.2) Diffusion is water molecules moving from one area of high water to areas of very low water. Osmosis is the movement of molecules through a membrane of high water to a low water of concentration. Active transport is the movement of molecules across the membrane into the high concentration, this is done by and assisted by enzymes and requires energy to do this Diffusion Osmosis Active transport Passive transport Water molecules moving from one area of high water to low water concentration. Moves molecules through a membrane of high water to a low water concentration. Moves molecules across the membrane into high concentration using enzymes and energy. The movement of chemicals across a cell membrane. Irons to a higher concentration to a lower concentration. Does not require energy to move molecules from one point to another point. Does not require energy to move molecules from one point to another point. Requires energy to move molecules from one point to another point. Does not require energy to move molecules from one point to another point. 4.1) The nervous tissue have two main cells neuroglia and neurons. The neuroglia have functions that support the nerve cells but they do not transmit pulses. Neurons are nerve cells and are very sensitive to heat and cold, dark and light. They transmit electric nerves and information around the body. Muscle tissue have three types of tissue, cardiac skeletal and smooth muscles. Muscle helps with posture, and support. Smooth muscle tissue controls movement in the human body and contracts with other tissue in the intestines and stomach. Skeletal tissue help in the movement of bones such as hips and wrists, this is enclosed in connective tissue(epimysium). The epithelial tissue covers the whole of the body. It is made of cells with one or more layers. It covers all external and internal layers. Types of tissue Structure and function of tissue Nerve tissue Have two cells neurolia and neurons. Have functions that support nerve cells but do not transmit pulses. Neurons sensitive to heat, and cold. Dark and light.transmit signals and information around the body. Muscle tissue Three types of tissue cardiac, skeletal and smooth. Helps with posture and support, controls movement, contracts with other tissues. Connective tissue Provides movement in bones that is present in connective tissue. Epithelial tissue Covers all the body, made up of cells that have one or more layers. Covers all internal and external layers. 5.1) The human body consists of the head and skull which also contains the brain. The pharynx is in the throat, the larynx is at the back of the mouth, the lympth nodes are in the neck, the heart is in the middle of the chest wall. The lungs are behind the ribs, there is arteries in the arms and there is muscle near the skeleton. The spleen is above the stomach, each organ is linked to another organ and they all work together for the human body to work. The brain sends signals to different parts of the body for them to work. Without these signals you could not function. If the brain is dead the rest of the body does not work. The human hand provide the body with support to move objects in many ways. Each hand has twenty seven different bones and ligaments. The hand join on to the wrist and provide flexible movement and wrist action. The hand is also coverd with skin. The nerves are extended into the palm. There are eight carpal bones in the wrist that are bound. The hand is used for movement and picture up abjects. The hand provides the body with a lot of support. Claire Richardson Word count: 2765 Bibliography: nner body. (1999-2013). Hand and wrist.  Available: page 1. Last accessed 30 july 2014. nner body. (1999-2013).  Hand and wrist.  Available: page 1. Last accessed 30 july 2014. microscope resolution. (2001-2003).human biology.Available: compound microscopes. Last accessed 29 july 2014.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Giver :: essays research papers

The Giver - Main Character Jonas, the main character in The Giver by Lois Lowry, is a very strong person, which allows him to go farther in life then the people that surround him. Throughout Jonas's life he has known nothing but "sameness". He lives in a Utopian community where there are no choices and everyone in his world has their lives laid out for them. But, Jonas is given the job of "Receiver of Memory". He alone knows the truths of the world, a world with colors, pain, and choices. What he does with these truths will bring obstacles to his life that will show the readers not only his strengths but his weaknesses as well. Jonas is made to bear the truths of the world alone and is troubled by what he should do with it. Jonas at first doesn't want the memories because after receiving several of them, all that Jonas has known is being questioned and his world turned upside down. 'He is angry and afraid after receiving his first set of memories. Angry because of what has been kept from him and afraid because now he doesn't know what to do. Jonas is uncertain whether the world he learns of is best for his community and if people can be trusted to make decisions on their own. In a conversation to "The Giver" (person passing down the memories) about whether or not it is safe to allow people to make their own choices, Jonas say, "What if they are allowed to choose their own mate? And chose wrong? . . . We really have to protect people from wrong choices." But, by the end of that conversation he is uncertain about his feelings and about many other things. Jonas is confused because he doesn't know what he should do about it or if he should do anything at all. Jonas finally decides to change the world (at least the one he knows of), but he faces many obstacles trying to do so. Jonas speaks to the Giver about giving memories to the community . He wants to share them with everyone and change the way the community works. He wants to give them choices and show them that there are differences. The Giver says the only way the community will receive them is if Jonas goes to the beyond and loses his connection to them.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Sociological Analysis of the Presidential Election of 2012

Sociological Analysis of the Presidential Election of 2012 from a Structural Functionalist Perspective and a Conflict Perspective. As the presidential election draws closer, we could vividly view our society from social conflict and structural functionalist perspectives. The democratic process helps us to ask why do we accept and embrace democracy, how does it influence our social patterns and functions; and how does democracy really work for the stability of our society.In this essay, I will analyze the presidential election of 2012 using sociological perspective with emphasis on manifest and latent functions, class, race and gender conflicts. It is a known fact that democracy and demography are like Siamese twins that cannot be separated. These demographics include gender, race, age, disability, wealth, employment status, and locations. Politicians have used, and still using, these elements to know which group is the best to appease. On gender issue, the two prominent political par ties, Democratic and the Republican Parties, know that â€Å"females voters make up 52% of the US electorate† (Bloomberg News).These women tend to vote for any political party that caters to their needs. Also, race is part of political consideration. The African-Americans, Asian-Americans, the Hispanics and White are different voting blocs which the politicians must woo. According to the online Hispanic News, â€Å"the recent release of National Census data confirms that â€Å"50 million Latinos are part of the American electorate†. Not only the Hispanics are increasing in population, the African American grew by 1. 6% in 2010 while the Asian-American are recently declared, by CNN, as the â€Å"fastest growing minority in the US†.Another demographic to be considered is age. Steven Thomma and William Douglas of McClatchy Newspaper said, â€Å"Statistics show that older white and rich voters are more reliable electorates than the young voters; they tend to vote Republican Party†. The question now is how all these fit into our sociological perspective. I will start by looking at the manifest function of our democracy. In truth, democracy has helped to stabilize and also create unity among citizens. It has become a recognized and accepted process which everyone look forward to periodically.It is intended to involve all qualified adults in picking their next leaders. The sense is that once everyone is involved, then the majority will be pleased with the government. However, as much as there has been good governance through democracy, there have also been some unintended consequences too. These consequences can be seen by examining the latent function of our democracy. Today, one can hardly watch TV or listen to the radio without seeing or hearing the fracture that exists in the political system of our country.Citizens have been divided into two or more groups based on their party affiliations. The divide is so obvious that parties are n ot willing to compromise on any issue. The result is a stagnant government, and no reasonable policies have been passed into law. It is hard to know if this fraction is recognized but we surely know that it is unintended. Aside from stability and loyalty which democracy brought into our society, we have seen inequality that generates conflicts. These conflicts can be seen in class, race and gender.On Class, according to Real Cleat Politics, the Pew Research Center found in 2008 that six out of ten Americans say that the Republican Party â€Å"favors the rich†. Real Clear Politics went further to state how the Republican policies give tax break to the rich and the Democrats want tax breaks for the middle class and the poor. This situation has created a permanent wide gap between the rich and the poor. Another conflict is race; it is not surprising that the political parties are trying to woo the ethnic group with the highest population.The Democrats are trying to lure the Hisp anic with immigration reform while the Republicans are trying to solidify their White base with a promise of deportation of illegal immigrants. Both sides are aggressively marketing their ideas to each race for votes. According to US Catholics News, â€Å"these problems have led to family division, causing a heavy toll on children and families of Hispanic community’. The Hispanics are not the only group suffering from this political division, The African- American, the Asian-American, the Indian-Americans and all other minorities are all struggling to fit into the social structure.For all of these, one can easily see both the minorities and the majority voting along their party line. The minority ethnic groups tend to vote for Democrats while the majority ethnic group votes Republican. Another well observed social conflict can be seen in gender. The gender issue has brought out many social issues. From woman’s health, contraceptives and abortion, parenthood and womanh ood, the list goes on and women are taking their stands on issues that concern them. The women are the largest electorate in US.LA Progress, an online News Journal, after series of research, simply concludes that â€Å"Women will decide 2012 Presidential Election†. For this reason, politicians are coming up with policies that will benefit women. However, not all these policies are favorable to all women. For example, the pro-life advocates want abortion abolished, the pro-choice advocates wants abortion to be part of preventive healthcare programs. The debate has generated so much heat that some abortion clinics were burned down and some abortion doctors were murdered.With all these issues in mind, pro-choice women mostly vote for Democrats while pro-life women mostly vote for Republicans. Men have been the agitators for gun rights. Policies are fashioned to give them freedom to own guns without any restrictions; these policies have led to the availability of street guns. The lovers of guns mostly vote republican while the pro-gun control group mostly votes for republicans. It is important to mention here that National Rifle Association, the best known body that represents gun rights advocates, has both male and female members.Above all, this election is very unique because from the look of things, the minorities especially the Hispanic and women are increasing in population and they will determine the election outcome. The Hispanic and women mostly vote for Democrats while Asian-American, the fastest growing minority, mostly votes for Republicans because of their conservative values. In all, the political landscape is definitely shifting from what it used to be. We will all see the political party it favors in November. References: Bloomberg News:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

American Airlines Flight Case Study Essay

Cause(s) of Accident The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined that the probable cause of this accident was the asymmetrical stall and the ensuing roll of the aircraft because of the uncommanded retraction of the left wing outboard leading edge slats and the loss of stall warning and slat disagreement indication systems resulting from maintenance-induced damage leading to the separation of the number 1 engine and pylon assembly at a critical point during takeoff. The separation resulted from damage by improper maintenance procedures which let to failure of the pylon structure. Structural and Mechanical Factors After a thorough examination of the pylon attachment points, fractures and deformations at the separation points in the forward bulkhead and thrust link were all characteristic of overload. Testimony indicated the forklift was not powered for a period of time because it ran out of fuel. Post accident forklift tests showed that under these conditions leakage would allow a drift down of 1 inch in 30 minutes. Movement of 0.4 inch or less would produce a 7 inch fracture at the flange. Contributing Factors The design and interrelationship of the essential systems as they were affected by the structural loss of the pylon contributed to this accident. Flight control, hydraulic, and electrical systems in the aircraft were all affected by the pylon separation. When the engine separated from the pylon hydraulic pressure and fluid were lost and not recoverable. The separation also severed the electrical wire bundles inside the pylon which included the main feeder circuits between the generator and the No 1 a.c. generator bus. The flight crew was unable to restore power to the aircraft. The failure of engineering to ascertain the damage-inducing potential of a procedure which deviated from the manufacturer’s recommended procedure was another contributed factor. The procedure in question was the removal of the pylon attaching hardware and the positioning of the forklift. As a result, maintenance personnel altered the sequence of hardware removal. Investigation Board Findings The engine and pylon assembly separated either at or immediately after liftoff. The flight crew was committed to continue the takeoff. The aft end of the pylon assembly started to separate in the forward flange of the aircraft bulkhead. The structural separation of the pylon was caused by a complete failure of the forward flange of the aft bulkhead after its residual strength had been critically reduced by the fracture and subsequent service life. The length of the overload fracture and fatigue cracking was about 13 inches. All electrical power to the number 1 a.c. generator bus and number 1 d.c. bus was lost after the pylon separated. The captains flight director instrument, stall warning system, and slat disagreement systems were rendered inoperative. Power was never restored. The number 1 hydraulic system was lost at pylon separation. Hydraulic lines and follow up cables of the drive actuator for the left wing’s outboard leading edge slat were severed by the separation of the pylon and the left wing’s outboard slats retracted during climb out. The retraction of the slats caused an asymmetric stall and subsequent loss of control of the aircraft. The pylon was damaged during maintenance performed on March 29 and 30, 1979 at the American Airlines Maintenance Facility in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Engineering personnel developed procedures for removing the pylon and engine that deviated from manufacturers procedures, and did so without performing proper tests. Recommendations The NTSB recommended that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issue immediately an emergency Airworthiness Directive to inspect all pylon attach points by approved inspection methods. Issue an Airworthiness Directive to require and immediate inspection of all DC-10 aircraft in which an engine pylon assembly had been removed and reinstalled for damage to the wing-mounted pylon aft bulkhead, including its forward flange and the attaching spar web and fasteners. Issue a Maintenance Alert Bulletin directing FAA maintenance inspectors to contact their assigned carriers and advise them to immediately discontinue the practice of lowering and raising the pylon with the engine still attached and adhere to recommended manufacturer procedures. Outcomes After a series of post accident inspections disclosed damaged aft bulkheads in the wing to the engine pylons, the Administrator of the FAA issued an Emergency Order of Suspension on June 6, 1979, which suspended the DC-10 series aircraft type certificate until such time as it can be ascertained that the DC-10 aircraft meets the certification criteria of Part 25 of the FAR and is eligible for a Type Certificate. Twenty days later the FAA issued Special Federal Aviation Regulation 40 which prohibited the operation of any model DC-10 aircraft within the airspace of the United States. On July 13, 1979, after a series of formal investigations, the Administrator found that the DC-10 met the requirements for issuance of a type certificate. And the Emergency Order of Suspension was terminated. In November 1979 the FAA fined American Airlines $500,000 for using faulty maintenance procedures on its DC-10 aircraft by using forklifts to mate the complete engine/pylon assembly with the wing attachment points. Continental Airlines was fined $100,000 on a similar charge. References Aviation Safety Network. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from NTSB. (1979). Aircraft Accident Report, American Airlines, Inc. Flight 191. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from